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I just uploaded the latest Beta v0.6c. It took me a couple more days because of the vast amount of sound files I had to ingest into the game. That said, the 2 new character voices are now offered as an option when you create a character. Try it out in the new Beta v0.6c.

I was very busy this week getting the Beta running for tonight. I will now be switching gears to polish and bugfix everything for launch day which is in 1 week.

Due to voice line differences, I am going to have to animate a few character-voice specific animations to match the new lines. So in a way changing the voice of your character will also affect their personality. I don't expect to get too many new animations since they are very time-consuming but it will be part of v0.6.

In other news, in my down time at work (again), I have started working on the map revamp for v0.7. It's going to be HUGE. To put it in perspective, the current map is 100x100 meters. The new map will be 1000x2000 meters big. I may have to implement a form of alternative transportation to cover the vast distances. It will be packed with brand spanking new models and way fancier textures. Some very early screenshots:

The white box is where the current house will sit. It will be surrounded by a better looking and bigger canyon and include greenery and foliage.

Only finished about a quarter today but through an optimized workflow I believe I can speed up the rest of the huge map.

Lots of fun stuff coming soon.  Stay tuned.



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