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Character customization will receive a nice patch for bugfixing and improvements. Big thanks to Utata for being a guinea pig for the early versions of the character customization pipeline and Eidenz for stress testing the export tool. People have been able to add tails to their characters now (you can grab them as well like in the current version, and they have physics):

I have roughly 2 weeks to the full public release. Plenty of spit polish is being done to the system so everything is more streamlined with less room for error and so characters feel more realistic.

To start, users can now export their custom characters from Blender with info spheres. Info spheres are just spheres that contain properties for the game. For example, "headpat sphere" will give the game an approximation of your character's head so you can more accurately headpat that character.

Thereby allowing your hand to more accurately "touch" the head of your character. This is especially useful for characters with different head sizes. Less clipping.

The new character voices need to first be split out from the source wav file. The Japanese talent agency gave me one long .wav recording with every single game line. I am in the process of cutting each line out with Audacity and renaming each clip appropriately (headpatHappy.wav, angry etc.). Each character has roughly 350 different sounds. There are 2 new characters. I probably won't be able to compile Beta v0.6c until Tuesday. There is a quite a bit of work to do and I also recently switched to a new desktop.

That said, I will be recording and posting a Blender YouTube tutorial with a simple instruction manual later today to teach people how to port characters into my game.

In other news, I have begun preparing for the new map overhaul for v0.7. The plan is to have a map roughly 16x bigger than the current one (with a body of water). This will be necessary because the player will have to find ingredients and materials to cook (also part of v0.7) I have begun compiling assets, textures, and models. Here are some WIP props:

As for Shinobu, I will try to not have her in the free public release of v0.6 due to the aforementioned legal reasons. However, I need to have a default model in the game so I will be hiring a 3D modeler to make a completely original anime character. She will be a built in card for the game. No idea what her name will be. If you have any suggestions, leave a comment!

Stay tuned.



Derek Lee

her name can be NotShinobu


And her twin sister, the original character, Shinope. Or maybe do something related to the name of the project "Viva". For me it means something like "Long live ...!", so maybe the japanese word for life would be good? That would be "Seimei" in romaji, if my research is correct.


Didn't finish editing the video tonight. Got about halfway through. Will finish the other half Monday.


♥ ♥ ♥


Wow patreon is awful didnt tell me you posted in thus post. Well name will reflect a spanish setting. So it might not be Yin.


Np Boss 😁 I'll keep the name for my game then. I see this going to have strong Spanish/Mexican influences - name, localisation etc. Maybe sth like Conchita or simply Chiquita would fit better then 🙂