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Bathing is now officially complete. Just like I said last time, I added the ability for Shinobu to pick up the towel and to tell you to get out of the room so she can dry herself:

I too noticed the 1-frame towel glitch. It will be addressed soon. She will tell you to get out just like before bathing:

One new feature is the ability to cancel canceling bathing. As in, maybe she took the towel by mistake and you didn't want that to happen. You can now take the towel back which will play a short cute animation and resume bathing. However, she will now be angry!

I got a little bit of work on the clothing customization component done but not enough to show yet. However, we have our first new hired modeler. He goes by the name rubjellyonme and can be found in the Discord. He sometimes posts modeling progress for what he makes in the #developers channel. Right now he is working on the first piece of clothing customization, cat ears!

Jelly isn't a professional modeler, in fact, it's just a hobby for him. And I'm not looking for full time super pros. I'm just giving out a bit of money here and there for short commissions like this. The cat ears will be ready soon.

Clothing customization will work as the following:

This big wardrobe (which will be retextured for next devpost), will hold hanging clothing pieces on a pole. The player will have to physically grab each clothing piece and hand it to Shinobu. For shirts, shorts, and skirts, the clothing pieces will instantly poof into existence and she will have some short "ooh" animations as she looks at herself. For certain special clothing pieces, like socks and shoes, the player will have Shinobu extend her leg out and physically help her put her sock/shoe on, just to be a bit ambitious and realistic. Something like this:

Hats and head accessories will have their own animation to play since they are simple. I am very excited to get to this point in my project. I have roughly 1 month to implement it. The next Beta which will have the entire bathing mechanics will be released next weekend for bugs and feedback.

Jelly and I are working hard on the clothing customization. He will be making a Japanese school swimsuit next. His contributions greatly offload work from me!

Monday May 27th is a holiday so the next devpost will be in 5 days instead of the usual 4 days.

Stay tuned.



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