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I made 2 new animations for this update. The first one is a new idle animation that is fired every 20 or so seconds whenever Shinobu is holding a reed in either hand. The animation is mirrored depending on which hand she is holding the reed. As shown below:

There are to be more idle animations that need to be turned off depending on various states. For example, one bug I fixed recently was firing the idle stand 2 animation, where she crosses her arms, when holding any object. It looked awkward as shown below:

Another addition to her logic was sorting visible pickup-able objects by distance. Before she would just pick up any random object but that made her look around too much and walk all over the place. So that's been fixed.

As for the hitting back with the cattail, I did not finish writing the logic for this dev entry but did finish setting up and ingesting the animations that will be used. Again, the animation is compatible with a cattail on the right/left/both hands:

I'm thinking of ways to have it so the player can be affected by her slaps. Maybe a slight shake or just glow red, I don't want to induce motion sickness in VR with a camera shake, but a very very subtle shake coupled with a good sound effect could induce a small phantom sensation. Speaking of sound, I've begun searching for music! I've already contacted and am in the process of hammering out business with a freelancer.

Nothing set in stone yet so if you are a composer or know somebody who is interested, send me an email or message me in Discord. I am looking for a sound FX person. Voice actress work wil come shortly after releasing v0.3.

Happy Thanksgiving!



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