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I made a lot of progress on the front of the house. I modeled some new boulders and reeds. It now has it's own pond complete with a nice looking bridge and water shader that I made:

[Gonna be using .gifs from now on it's much less of a pain in the ass than dropbox]. I took advantage of soft edge shadows to create good looking fake water depth fog, as opposed to calculating it by rendering the screen depth. The pond at the shores appears to fade to the land. Murky texture is subject to changes as I need to add more open holes so it's not entirely covered by swampy muck.

The pond at the moment extends all the way to the far end of the map.

The bridge itself is almost ready as it does not have collisions yet. I am in the process of adding a function to my fast collision builder to support "find smallest rotated cube" so that each step of the bridge can be properly ingested for collisions. Currently it defaulted to AABB boxes and well, the bridge is not completely straight:

I want this pond to not just be a static landmark, I want the props to be interactive. So today I also implemented cattails that can be picked up by the player and Shinobu. I will be working on making Shinobu slap/hit the player with the cattail if she gets angry enough. And vice versa. So basically cattail fight. This behavior will be released alongside her throwing water back at the player. I had to combine both behavior workloads since they required similar code additions.

As for the progress of the water spill, I improved the animations as mentioned in the beta post (if you were able to see it) and she now responds to the direction of the water thrown at her:

Fun stuff coming up real soon. Stay tuned.



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