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I am almost done with the kiss module. So far the bottleneck has been creating the animation assets as the logic is relatively simple. The look at target blending logic resting on top of the animation is sometimes finicky to get right. I finished stand_kiss_happy_cheek_* animations which will be played whenever Shinobu is kissed while happy on either cheek. I also took the time and mirrored all of the kiss animations to double the branching paths for the module so she can react to getting smooched on the left and right cheeks.  Video 1 shows her reacting while happy. Video 2 shows her reacting to both cheeks while angry.
There are still a few issues with the animations and are subject to changes. Namely the blend out to idle is not smooth and feels like it is speeding up the whole animation. Will look into it next. Also a slight snap in the angry animation halfway through and strange arm movements when she relaxes. Also there is not yet an animation for leg movement when she spins around to face me. This will also be addressed soon.
Small blender note: Today I realized that my lookAtTarget bone which I use to make Shinobu look at something when building an animation, has a roll of 90 internally in edit mode. This makes all sorts of complications including flipping the y with the x coordinates in graph mode meaning I can not use Blender's built-in paste mirrored keyframes for that bone (because the x coord is now the y coord). So when I was mirroring the cheek animations, I had to manually mirror the lookAt bone in the curves. Luckily it was simple enough to achieve by just using the cursor and multiplying all y-coord curves by -1. Therefore I have to make sure that when I make bones, Blender doesn't go wack and add roll to them. Very annoying.



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