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At this point we've been able to build a large community. That's very good and I'm very happy about how far it went. We are over 101k on pixiv, 54k on twitter and more than 800 active here.

However the more my page grows, more people see me with bad eyes. I really don't understand why is that, but more and more people try to make me feel bad or sabotage me.

So this makes me value even more the people that I know that has been supporting me. At first I can only say thank you for those who have good will. You are the reason why I still have this job. The mental pressure of dozens and sometimes hundreds of people daily is not worth it the payment.

By now, you can expect a post every day at the same time. With ultra rare exceptions I can delay or post something in advance by a few minutes. It's very comforting to go look for a content and see that there is something new every day at the same time.

I've been buying and testing tools, hardware and other services to improve what I already do. This can be considered as an investment, but I see this as an attempt to make it better. To maybe make it in less time too. And usually when I have extra time it's also used to make more stuff. 

I cannot ask anything of the people that hate me, but I can ask of the people who are supportive to be patient and that you can count on me to help you with what I can.

I'm going to make changes to the page soon, not sure yet how, because by now I have a lot of problems to solve and only a few solutions. I'm trying to contact Patreon about many of these problems.

There is also plans for an extra page, I can't tell anything about it yet, but I will wait for Patreon to talk to me first anyway.

When I don't tell you something is either because I don't want to give any false hope of what I'm going to do or because I don't want to feed the trolls.




Why would people hate you? Makes no sense... Just ignore them bro, keep up the good work!

axe gld

Please continue to work as you wish. That's what I want.