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"Something's definitely wrong, control! It hurts! I'm scared!"

"Just relax, Lieutenant. It'll all be over soon."

"No! I don't like this! I... URK!"


"Nope. The readings were correct. She's gone. Total decapitation."

"Bizarre. Have you ever seen a matter sword do that before, Commander?"

"Once in a while the molecules stay bonded for a few seconds, yeah. I've never seen it take that long for them to come apart though."

"Fuck me. Imagine what it must have been like." 

"I don't have to imagine, we've got her bio readouts up to the last nanosecond here."

"Delicious. Want to review them in my quarters, Ensign?" 

"I thought you'd never ask, Commander!"

"I just love thinking about the bodies of those beautiful women, sculpted, perfect, the work of a lifetime, now so much rubbish floating endlessly through the void, discarded and forgotten."

"You're mental, Ensign."

"Oh you love it!" 

"Sure, I'm not looking for anything long terms. Speaking of, how did you application to the fighter program go?"

"I've been accepted! In ten months that will be me out there! My body all sealed up in a skintight metal coffin... Oh I can't wait!"

"Completely mental..."

"Mmmm... Maybe a bit. Oh yeah! Right there! Keep... keep doing that while you tell me all the ways there are to die in space!"





Can only totally agree with Excalib! Thank you darling!


Sign me up! I'd volunteer for a suicide mission!

Agent Tygress

Heh... we can def discuss that! Weren't we going to do some work on the gladiators this weekend?