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"NO! No! I... I don't wanna die. I'm scared! Please don't let me die, control! Please don't... brblbrbl... bleah..."

"Mmmm... Delicious! Did you see that control? She doesn't even get a last moment of pleasure!" 

"Um... Lieutenant, how do you feel?"

"How do I feel? Are you mental? You have my readouts on your screens, control. I'm frothing in here! What do you..."

"It's just... we have an anomaly here that shows..."

"Shows what? Oh! I... I do feel a bit funny, control."

"I... I think something may be wrong with me, control. I... I feel very strange..."




"Mmmm... Delicious! Did you see that control? She doesn't even get a last moment of pleasure!" 😋

Agent Tygress

I know! There were so many dialogue options I didn't get to go with. Spoiled for choice, as they say :P