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Magical Patrons,

It's October and my social feeds are FILLED with prompt challenges. Month long creative challenges are a mainstay online, but October is PEAK prompt season. I've been participating in some kind of prompt challenge since I went full time as an artist and my participation has taken the form of a number of kids books, colouring books, thrifted clothing I painted, a story about a meditation retreat  and also lots and lots of posting posting posting on socials. I have learned a LOT of from prompt challenges, both about how they can serve me and also how they sometimes ... welll.... don't.

Many of you know, this year I'm delighted to be taking part in StreamInk, a daily drawing challenge with 31 different art streamers choosing a prompt and hosting one day of October on their livestream. My prompt was October 6th and our word was Chaos (of course it was) and I've been drawing a different piece of channel lore for every day of the prompt. I've also been sharing the line work for each day over in the Detention Hut that are free for anyone to download and colour if they'd like to take part but feel intimidated by drawing something from scratch each day.

Taking part in this challenge has been an absolute delight and I love being able to share the first weeks' worth of finished paintings with you wonderful Patrons. Taking part in a challenge like this with our community also means that I get to hear how a lot of folks struggle with being behind, feeling overwhelmed, wishing they could take part, or feeling like they're not making work that's worthy. 

I thought I'd share that my favourite approach to prompts (and anything really) is a participatory rather than a completionist mindset. 

At their core, I think most prompt challenges are meant to help build a daily creative practice and strengthen a regular drawing/making habit. That means taking part in any way shape or form is, in itself, an accomplishment. FINISHING every single prompt is a lofty goal and it's great to have one, but my brain benefits ENORMOUSLY  from focusing on participating over completing a challenge like this. If I get every prompt done, that's great! If I do some and not all prompts, lovely. If doing daily drawing challenges no longer serves me at some point I will joyfully let them go and enjoy the beautiful work others produce from them. 

Patrons, having your incredible support is the reason I'm able to give myself time for prompt challenges like these. I am so incredibly lucky to have the studio space and the gift of time and both are a direct result of this amazing community who have chosen to support me and the work I do. Thank you friends, for being here, for taking part, for holding space for me and for each other. 

And hey, if you complete some challenge, congrats. If you take part in one, congrats on that too. Know that by being here, you've been a huge part of my being able to participate in this and so many other creative endeavours and I happen to think that's amazing.





I think your StreamInk drawings for the first 8 days turned out great, Brenda. I'm new to participating in things like StreamInk, but it's been both fun, educational and highly motivating for me to participate along with so many of our community friends. And I love seeing how people in our community all end up solving the same prompts in so wildly different ways. 🤩


Aw thank you Prebbis!! I love the artwork you’ve been sharing too. It’s such a fun process isn’t it?