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Hellooooo wonderful Patrons! 

Just wanted to share some new ways to hang out AND a bit of behind the scenes on how I'll be taking on the October daily art challenges.


I'm live on Twitch.tv/artinjest  Monday and Wednesdays from 7-8:30ish, and Fridays  from 12-2pm EDT. Mondays and Wednesdays are live doodles, games and general antics. Fridays are chill paint and chats and it is always tons of fun. If you've never been on Twitch DO NOT FEAR! Most of my audience is new to Twitch and so am I so rookies are so very welcome. ALSO all Patrons get VIP status over there (which gives you some extra goodies!). Come hang out and send me a note if you're not sure how to join the fun!


There's an Art in Jest Discord server! It's a bunch of chats with friends to post pictures of your pets, share artwork, and talk about any and all Art in Jest related antics. There is also a special channel JUST for Patrons that you can access using this invite link. Same thing, if you're new to Discord, never fear! Me too. We'll clunk through it together.

October Art Challenge!

Many of you know that I've done some version of an October Art Challenge for years. There's a previous post that digs more into that here.  You all had awesome suggestions so this year, we're doing something new again! I'll be working on ONE BIG PAINTING over the course of the month, making creatures inspired by prompts pulled from other prompt lists AND created by you beautiful people. Instead of trying to make one piece everyday, I'll be working on this piece during livestreams and I have a very special way to choose our prompts. Stop by one of the streams to check it out!

Huge thanks to all of you for supporting me and the work I do, especially when it takes strange new forms. I love being able to share this process with you and diving into new challenges is WAY more fun with you all cheering me on. Being a creative is a whole new ballgame these days and I simply could not do it without you. 

You're awesome. Big love.




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