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Beautiful Patrons,

In Ontario where I live, the world is slowly reopening. It's a wonderful thing to see and feels like we were behind the curve in a lot of ways. As things slowing return to some semblance of normal, sometimes I'm overjoyed and other times I am so SO anxious.

It will take a while for the low frequency hum of worry to work its way through me. I can see plummeting case rates and feel overjoyed  and still feel horror at the sight of a crowded bus.  I'm reminding myself as often as possible that the things I have the capacity to feel are also things I can offer myself compassion for.

So if you find yourself ahead, or behind, or out of step with what's being presented to you, I hope you also find space to give yourself grace. Ask people who value you to give it to you too. Swing like a pendulum between two places if that feels true. Slowing the swing takes time.

Be well you lovely folks. Thank you always for your support - it means the world and I'm so happy you're here.





I’m definitely someone who needs a little time to adjust to things going back to normal. I thought I’d feel “free” after getting vaccinated, but I must admit I feel anxiety. I’m not sure of what or why though, oddly. I might just be slow to adjust to things. I like these comics that show a tiny sliver of your everyday life!


I think we’re all at very different paces for reentering the world. I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I wanted to name that apprehension and anxiety - especially if it helps dispel the myth that we should all just feel uncomplicated excitement. Making space for more complicated feelings is something these comics really help me do!