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A little comic sprinkling just for you Patrons, including a bunch that haven’t even hit socials. Listen, I stand by my statement that Tiger Balm and aloe plants can fix like... 90% of all problems. Do you have any cure-alls?? Placebo effects are MORE than welcome!

I’ve been working on your next round of perks and I must say I am pretty delighted by them so far. Can’t wait to share them with you all. Thanks for being here you wonderful humans. You make the artsy antics possible and I appreciate the heck out of you for it.

Be well wonderful,





My placebo of choice is Honey, Lemon, Ginger Tea. It settles a stomach, unstuffs a nose, soothes a sore throat... ✨It's magic in a cup!✨ Your alcoholic addition of choice is optional, but can also enhance the ✨magic✨.