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I have been thinking a lot about holding space for others. When people share their hurt I often want to rush in and resolve. Often everything in me wants to fix the problem or see the good. Sometimes that's what's being asked but often it isn't. I've been trying to notice more when I can just make room, meet someone where they're at. Ohhh it's a good thing but does it EVER take practice. Worth it.

Speaking of practice, YOU wonderful folks are giving me the time to make these comics and un-muddle my own thoughts and I appreciate it like crazy. You're lovely. Thank you.

Be well wonderful folks. You deserve space.





It's so. hard. to not be the 'fixer' all the time. When someone I love is in pain, it's my automatic response to try and make it right, when like you said, most often that's not what they need at all, and it's not something I can fix anyway. The pandemic has forcibly taught me that. I can't always be there, I can't always fix other people's problems. I have to just 'be' there for them as much as I can ❤️


SO true. It's a weird side effect of social distancing etc that we've had to learn this long distance! Ooooo is it ever hard and I have to REALLY consciously practice it - we're so quick to forget the value of just being present for someone, even virtually!