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So, I finished the “switch” part of the gts animation, and as usual, it took longer than expected. I’m learning I probably shouldn’t give you guys time ranges for how long stuff takes to do, my guesses are always way off. But in regards to this part of the animation, I think it looks good. It’s definitely the most complicated thing I ever animated, hopefully it's worth it.


But now, because all the actions (animation clips) are done, I can start mixing them in the NLA editor into a 2:40 - 3:00 minute sequence. After that, I’d need to add an additive anim layer, do the cameras, add facial animation, finish the lighting, bake a bunch of physics, add some fx to the scene (mostly rain), render, and add sound. So there’s still a bunch of work to do, but fortunately, these steps are more straightforward than animating (except for the physics, they’re gonna be a huge pain in the ass).





this is insanely well done, holy shit XD. Very cinematic looking for something like this, looks great


Is there going to be a cum inflated seen like the resident evil? Oh I hope! But i know that might be too much


Perfection 😍 Excellent work on the switch. Question. Is it all anal or is WW going in the V and PG in the A?


Holy shit this is amazing! Don't worry about timelines, we all know this stuff takes an incredibly long time to produce, especially at the quality you're going for, so take your time with it! Better a polished product that took a while than a junky one that was done in a day! Seeing this though, the hype for it continues to grow! Keep up the amazing work!




jesus christ, my boner is throw the fucking roof. the only thing I would edit is wonder woman having a longer time to cum in catwomans ass.

Ichigo Kurosaki

Looks fucking great, Rigid!! Keep it up! Can’t wait to see this glory when finished


Is there going to be voice acting in this? It looks really great so far :)


Amazingly well done.


Very promising, keep at it! Trying to imagine the dialogue between WW and SG would be here.