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So, to kick off this rather insane news let me start with the formal overview of what's going on with Wabbajack.

Three weeks ago I gave notice to my IRL employer that I’m leaving the company. On October 24th, I’ll start my new job as the Vortex Product Owner at Nexus Mods. Although this may seem like a sudden change, it’s something that’s been in the works for several months. I’m extremely excited for this new job as it will allow me to focus full time on something I very much enjoy: building open source modding tools. 

Naturally the first question many of you will ask is: what does this mean for Wabbajack? First of all Wabbajack isn’t going away. Both Vortex and Wabbajack are open source (GPL-3) and can easily continue to operate in their own spaces. I will be scaling back the time I spend on Wabbjack, but part of the point of the transition to 3.0 was to make the project easier to maintain. And as it stands I can easily go several weeks without having to spend chunks of time fixing bugs to keep the project going. In the short term, nothing will change, I will continue to fix critical bug reports in my spare time, but I will not be adding new features to the project. In the long term I hope that the need for Wabbajack will decrease, but time will tell how realistic that goal is. However, the code will always be available on Github, so anyone is welcome to pitch in on fixes or features.

I can’t answer any questions at the moment as to what my plans for Vortex are, as I want to spend some time getting the lay of the land before finalizing my plans. But in broad strokes I will say that I want to focus on making Vortex so amazingly awesome that it becomes the de facto standard for modding on any platform. 

On a more personal note, thank you all so much for your support of Wabbajack through the past three years. While my work on the project will be reduced, the app still runs fine without my direct intervention, so please consider continuing to support the project financially as the server and maintenance costs will still exist.

I think this will be a net positive for the entire modding community, and I'm excited to see where both Wabbajack and Vortex go in the next few years.


Mike Gray

What INCREDIBLE news! I skunked myself on a phishing mail a few weeks back and had to redo all my credit cards, only just realized that my patreon account was b0rked, and hence only just saw this post. Anyway: I'm delighted for you AND for Nexus. Wabbajack is an incredible tool - but if Nexus lists can gain a lot of its functionality, it'll get the word out to a broader audience, hence more awesome lists and mods.