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Well it's been closer to a week and a half since the last update, but work is progressing well. Our list validation service is now moved off of our backend server and into a GitHub action running Wabbajack 3.0 code. This means we now have our first 3.0 code in use! The transition was a bit rocky, requiring a few extra hotfix builds, but it all has stabilized now, and I'm loving the fact that whenever I need to update the validation code I just have to push the new code and trigger a run, no more restarting a backend server whenever the code updates, since the code now runs as a batch job and not as a "always on" server.

In addition I successfully installed SMEFT this week via the new Wabbajack UI, this is a pretty major milestone as it means enough of the code is working to download, extract and install a modlist, and it even showed progress bars and the mod slideshow along the way. My goal this week is to port the modlist gallery, and then spend time cleaning up the UI to make it look halfway decent. What is there now works, but it's pretty gross. Once I implement the "play" UI elements we can probably create an Alpha build that has the "Browse", "Install" and "Play" functionality. We'd still compile lists with 2.5, but we could install and use them with 3.0.

My hope is to have that Alpha ready by this time next week, but that's probably a bit ambitious, so perhaps another week and a half. UI work tends to suck a lot of time and it's a bit slow going at points.


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