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Hello! I apologize for not having time to make a new build in a  month, I was busy drawing new things for the game and for some reason I  remembered my old project and drew a little for it.

First, news about the MFH:

A lot of new textures have been drawn and there are more and more of them:

The final version of the new clothes for the main character was also decided:

I also started work on making the heroine thicker, so some animations will be changed, such as running:

Now I try to draw one ~ two animations every day. Basically, my task  is to finish the animations of the new movements of the heroine, as well  as the animations of the use of inventory items. After their  completion, the next animations will be, a new type of heroine  masturbation, new hentai scenes, NPCs and so on. I know that I haven't  added new scenes to the game for a long time and I promise to fix this  in the near future.

Then, unexpectedly, about "This village needs help." Do you still remember this game?

I looked into the project and saw my terrible game code and how I  broke it trying to add new things to the game. So I spent a couple of  days reworking it and... I had a bunch of ideas that I couldn't hold  back... This is how the game looks now and some new monsters:

I also tested on this game some ideas for using additional weapons  from the MFH and it turned out to be quite interesting. In fact, I added  mechanics from the game "Shovel Knight", so now the hero has new  weapons such as: boomerang, staff (fireballs), healing amulet, throwing  axe, bomb.

Therefore, the game became quite interesting in terms of mechanics,  which also motivates me to continue development, although I still spend  more time on MFH.

So far I've been doing less code and more painting, so expect more art posts and I hope you enjoy it!

Thank you for your support!


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