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Hello, I'm fine, but development has slowed down a bit. I won't complain about what's going on, I think you know what I mean. Although a little earlier I thought that I had returned to normal mode, as it turned out, it was self-hypnosis.

However, I continue development and I want to show you what has already been done and share what I want to complete for the version 0.1 build.

First and foremost: the cutscene system!


The main thing that I added here is control over the WHOLE WORLD, during the cutscenes! This system will allow me to add a lot of different events to the game and you can already see the first event (from the start of the game) on the video.

I also did a little reworking of the interface in order to make it more user-friendly. Now item descriptions will look like this:

Another thing that I added a slightly different interface style for construction, since the previous style was very inconvenient. So far, I'm still finalizing it, so it's not completely finished:

Before finishing the quest system, the dialogue system had to be done first. In fact, I already had the code for this so it didn't take too long:

For now, that's all I'll show you. Since the main idea of ​​the 0.1 build is fully functional base game systems. By this I mean: quests, building, combat (so far in a simple form), sex with monsters, dialogues, interactions with objects, obtaining resources, etc.

Now I have already completed all the systems and they function normally, but their presentation in the game is rather poorly done. I want to complete all this and then give you a build in which you can play normally.

After completing this build, I will start working on monsters and expanding the game world. Since I don't really like the current monsters that I carried over from the old builds, I want to work on them and their behavior in more depth.

The main idea will be that the monsters will behave differently depending on the time of day, as well as interaction with the player. I won't say too much about it yet, but I think you'll like it!

Also after the completion of version 0.1, I will make a vote on the system of pregnancy and how exactly to implement it, since I have several different ideas and I'm thinking about which one will be better.

Thank you for continuing to support me! Your help really helps me even more than you can imagine!


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