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Hello to all!

So I almost finished this game. I did not expect it to take so long.

New to update.

- Added main menu.

- Added save system.

- All text plus H-art.

- New music for castle (music not my but it free)

- System upgrade stats (salvation - sex - increase in HP / Damage).

- Well, a few changes in the text box.

So. I just have to program the boss and make the final. I will try to finish before the first of December.

How do you like the game? Did I make it interesting or meaningless? Comment your thought!



Hey man, been enjoying your games here and I've only been a patron for a little while, but I think it would do you good if you played some older games to get an idea of what is good vs. bad game design. I recommend Megaman X for the SNES, or maybe something metroid-vania like Shantae and the Pirate's Curse. I say this mostly cause I see some very core ideas of gameplay that are missing here that would make this game more enjoyable. 1. Projectile enemies should never attack while offscreen unless we've already seen them. Jumping onto a platform and immediately being hit off is frustrating. 2. Projectiles that come from offscreen need big wind-up sounds and to be slow enough to dodge even if they're only seen for a split second. 3. Having a fast run speed is fine, but YOU need to zoom out the screen to ensure the player can make good decisions. 4. Never have the character move past the halfway point on the screen when running in a direction. This is to ensure there's enough reaction time to respond to new platforms or enemies. If you follow these steps for this game, it would make it a lot more enjoyable to play.


Thanks for the advice. In fact, you say the truth for most platformers. But there are a few details that still should not be changed or are they suitable for other platformers more than this. This is the width of the screen. No need to zoom out, as the game will cease to be at least a little complicated. Still, there are only 3 monsters and they are rather weak in mechanics and attack. (each monster deals half heart damage except Fireballs). About moving the screen. He really lags behind the character, but still looks much more fun than would have been riveted to him. I may have made the move buffer too large, but this can be easily fixed. Fireballs. Honestly, I may be a hardcore player, but it didn’t cause any difficulties for me to avoid them. Although I can reduce the speed for easy gameplay. And thank you for the advice. If I make a more complex platformer, it will come out much better.