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Hello to all.

Here is a new build of the game. I wanted to make the game earlier, but overestimated myself. But this is not so bad. Thanks to this game, I realized the main thing. Making levels design takes a lot of time! Huh.

A little about the new build.

- Completely done levels (all locations except the boss room),

- Made one girl who can be saved (The rest have no text yet)

- Added minimap and main map.

- Statues now restore HP (but teleports are canceled)

- Added one H-art (after salvation, talk to her in the village)

Now about the next steps. I will change the text-box, because they are not displayed correctly. I’ll also add the whole text and put all the girls in the right places. I will add levers that will open the passage further.

Oh and the good news for you. I have not forgotten about the "Dungeon Master" and now, in parallel to the development of this game, I am writing a task list. All poses, all characteristics, methods of interaction, methods of reproduction of monsters, etc. I also realized that the old project from which I wanted to take sprites was not suitable. That is, those animations are postponed for some another project. And everything for this game I will draw from scratch. The style of the game will be similar to those animations and art that I posted on Pixive.


There are more patrons and I am very happy. Thank you all for your support. I will try to work much faster and better.



Just a curious question.. what program do you use to create these?


Do you work on these projects alone?


Now I work alone. All projects that were made under my current nickname are done alone. There used to be a friend who programmed, but he did it poorly. Therefore, we parted and I began to do everything myself.


crap lol I'm an artist but I cant program/code sadly, i tried making a game but had absolutely no idea how to make it work so i just gave up sadly. do you think there would be any useful youtube tutorials for that program you use?


There are many tutorials on YouTube. Just looking at what you want to do and how complicated the game is. It all depends on your efforts and perseverance, so try it!