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I may have gone a little crazy with this one. Originally I'd planned to make Half-Life or Redneck Rampage a 300k special but got impatient and said to myself "eh, 300k? I'd rather wait until 500k to make another special" and then I ended up going absolutely hog wild on this video and spending a good three weeks on it to make it "special." Even if it isn't an hour long, I hope the work shines through, my dear patrons, and, as always, fuck Hexen.

New patreon discord invite link!

Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/7FV6SEkb5d

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it.

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list.


Hexen - Wrath of the RailMage

Civvie uncovers a conspiracy of Raven. Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Join the Dungeon Discord: https://discord.gg/CEBKKJS Links: Noelle's channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/SpeedySPCFan/videos Chapters: 00:00 - Intro 01:26 - F*ck Hexen 06:50 - The Chapel and the Belltower 07:39 - Seven Ways to Hell 13:06 - Beyond Elevator Trouble 16:16 - The Shadow Wood 19:09 - Jankspikes 22:09 - What Monastery? 26:54 - Castle of Grief 29:05 - The Floor is Lava 31:01 - Necropolis 34:13 - Humiliating the Korax


Terry T. [ERROR]

Knew we’d wear em down eventually! Haha!


Aww man, I was having a rough day this was just what I needed. Thank you Civvie 11

Raul Campos

Was waiting for a Hexen video from you eventually. Thanks, Civvie.


Was talking about this yesterday after I asked about the next video. So happy it's out now!


Nice! I love Hexen myself and actually am on the 2nd hub now on the cleric again as I love Wraithverge, although I haven't gotten it yet in this playthrough. I'll give a watch after work.


Ah, yes, the Wraithverge, the reason why I wish I'd played as the Cleric.


yessssssssss I've been waiting for Hexen!! Man it's crazy how well hexen + heretic still hold up. I took a spin through them a couple years ago, and ended up still wanting more - good thing Amid Evil and Warlock were for me, I don't know what I would have done otherwise.


I've only every played this game on the N64 and I don't think I ever got past the first hub... Thanks Civvie for letting me know I wasn't an idiot kid.


One of the few doom-likes I never played. I was too busy being a child and playing Duke Nukem 64 because the main menu's rendition of Grabbing was like crack for my brain, I still listen to it when I wanna pretend I'm a badass who doesn't have homework to do.


When I was just a kid my mom bought this for me on the N64 and I couldn't even begin to comprehend what I was supposed to do. This is beyond cryptic, I don't know if this game was created to be fun or not hah!


Fuck man, I watched my dad play this game as a child and loved the atmosphere….until I actually played it as an adult and realized it’s one of the most confusing games I’ve ever played. Serpent Staff ftw


what happened to Civvies fancy new cell, there it is. now i cant wait for heXen 2 and Portals of Pravis.


What is the story behind the "NO PYTHON" post-it note?


Wrath of the MaleRage


It was painful to watch. I hope you'll have good game next time. Like painkiller maybe?

Max Camp

was dying for a Clue reference


Honestly Cleric is so much more powerful than another classes that it is just laughable. Don't believe me ? Play expansion pack and see how fun It is take all those projectiles without Serpent Staff all clear out all those areas without Wraithverge. And that is right there all problems in a nutshell. It is so unbalanced experience ranging from occasional fun to being mostly a festival of boredom and lointless switch hunt.

Tripp Andre

I think the demon is still there. It must have put a spell on you to make you think it’s gone. Perhaps a Hexen spell.


God, I did Hexen two lifetimes ago with no walkthrough and more patience than I thought possible. I can't bring myself to play it again. Such gorgeous atmosphere and art design, such rubbish gameplay.


Hilarious as always


Gold mate keep it up


I do not know what the hell is going on in this video but i love every second of it. Go here go there grab a key and etc etc etc….


Great vid, Civvie! At around 10:11 should the cells above and below yours both be labeled CV-09?


CV-11 you captured exactly the feeling of being impressed and feeling like the game will never end! I remember playing this on the N64 back in the day, lets just say I am glad there was gameshark because even though I beat it I like how the game will not give the good ending unless you beat it on the hard difficulties, cheats saved me a lot of time.


Cracking video! The Clue reference especially cracked me up. I must have given Hexen a serious go at some point as I recognize the second hub, but it's the first FPS I've ever needed to refer to a walkthrough to know what to do.


The fact that the forcefield was off means that civvie actually pressed the right button, possibly during the panic to flee from the funko pops. But since he continued to play hexen we have to assume he failed escaping


Man, I'm glad this video justified my childhood experience with Hexen which was "get incredibly lost in the first hubworld area and never complete the game."


My god, I feel so sorry that you had to play through this, incredible job! I love your stuff and I'm glad I can show you my support and give you some of that good spondoolie. I'm sorry if this is rude or anything, but can I please have my patreon name in the credits set as the hex code #b379bd please? Thanks civvie, you're awesome, great work!


The venom you put on the word "puzzle" could kill a small elephant.


Totally not rude. Thanks for pledging! I'll have the name changed for the next video.


Take a second look... CIV-09 and CVI-09. They're roman numerals. That means CV-11 is somehow actually in cell 105-11. That is, when he's not in the cold room (where he BELONGS).


Love the video as always, so happy I can now show support on here, your videos have kept me entertained though a few rough patches in the past year so thanks so much for that. May I request my name be set at hex code #e1ad01 I feel really cheeky for asking sorry!! Can't wait to see what comes next as well as binge everything from the start again!! Much love, and hope you're well!!


Love your work Civvie. You introduced me to Blood and now I am forever in your debt.

Karol Kowalski

Great work Civvie, https://youtu.be/4QNhmMpyIS4 have you seen this one? Looks good and has great music too.