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This one took a while. I never want a video to be 40+ minutes long, but then there's an abundance of context-necessary cutscenes, and then I had to get into all the Prey 2 stuff at the end, and Killian Samuels, due to his failure to exist in a published video game, has no legs. Thanks, Bethesda!

I really enjoy Prey. Strange, since I played it one time around when it was released and forgot about it for about 10 years, then played it again and found a new appreciation for it's cool tricks. Hopefully it isn't too much gushing about this cool old game that I feel is underappreciated. It was well-received at release and beat Portal to having portals by a year.

It's one of those games stuck in rights limbo where you can only get it if you grab a physical copy somewhere or find a key reseller. Bethesda seems to want to forget it exists because Bethesda. So it goes.

Somehow I was able to include a whole 5 distorted seconds of "Don't Fear The Reaper" in this video. Don't tell YouTube.


New patreon discord invite link!

Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/7FV6SEkb5d

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it.

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list.


Prey (2006) - Dodging The Reaper

Thinking with portals, heavy weapons. Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Join the Dungeon Discord: https://discord.gg/CEBKKJS Links: Noelle's channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/SpeedySPCFan/videos Chapters: 00:00 - Introduction 03:29 - The Calm 08:04 - Don't Fear The Reaper 11:57 - The Guns In This Game... 17:09 - That Part Where... I 18:04 - No, Seriously, Don't Fear The Reaper 19:36 - The Part Where... II 21:00 - Ascent 23:04 - Spirit Poker 23:22 - Further Body Horror 26:00 - Ascent II 28:34 - She Had Become Like They Are 30:08 - Late Intermission 31:24 - The Rampage 33:49 - Mother's Embrace 38:53 - Here, But Now They're Gone



One of my all-time favourite games that I can no longer play due to lack of DVD drive.


Could you please check your Community tab? Few weeks ago I asked question there and I'm very curious about this.


Well, this has made my day.


Perfect timing, work was getting a bit too busy for my liking.


👌 beautiful, I've never completed this game, and somehow got it on Steam I really need to give it the full playthrough it deserves


I can't tell you how much I needed this to arrive. This week's been hell. Thank you ever so much!


I left a work meeting early to watch this. 10/10 would put my livelihood at risk for Civvie content


I remember playing the demo for this when it came out and being blown away. The game seemed amazing. We didn't really have a PC that could run it at the time(plus we were lucky to get 2 or 3 games a year back then) and by the time we did I'd forgotten about it.


looks like we got a new counter


Discord is full of smelly IRC boomers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Valora Inverse

Holy shit, that was wild, and the follow-up sequel issues at the end even moreso.


Great video as always, Civvie! Just a heads up that there are some audio drop-outs starting around 19:30 or so. Wanted to give you and Katie and chance to tweak those before public release. ; )


Thanks! Is it just around 19:30 during that section? I'm not noticing them, and they might just be the odd sounds the poker machine is making.


Top tier content. Also, I know you hate the franchise with a passion, but I thought I'd ask; If and when you get to 1 million subs, would you do a Halo: Combat Evolved video? Also also, thanks for doing a great job of showing this console peasant what he missed out on.


lol, a million? I figured I'd be doing it sooner than that, but ok.


Wow. Todd can be just as greasy as Randy

Brian Rich

Five bucks says it's at most two episodes before the Administrators shove CV-11 back in the cold room. Friggin' loved this game and was disappointed when the sequel didn't materialize.


Art Bell's radio show was a great set building thing. Had no idea he was a real radio show host.


They took the bar! The whole fucking bar!!


Prey (Bethesda) is pretty fun but not like great or anything


Prey 2016 is more of a spiritual successor to System Shock 2 than anything related to the original Prey. But I actually enjoy both games for different reasons.


Yeah. It feels like it was branded as Prey for sleazy corporate reasons, trying to retcon the old game out of existence etc. I played NewPrey pretty recently and actually enjoyed it quite a bit. The weird second cousin -shock game. If there's ever a NewPrey video, I'd say attempting to make any sort of comparisons to Prey would be totally pointless because they seem absolutely nothing alike.


This time I am actually putting off watching the video until I can play the game for real - which should hopefully be soon... wish I had done that for the likes of Dusk, really wish I hadn't spoiled that one for myself. But not this time.


I can remember the hype train I got on for this in 95 with all kinds of nerdy cool graphic engine stuff and then I forgot about it as it disappeared into a cloud of vapour. By the time it did come out I was on to other things. Anyway, comedy gold Civvie. *chef's kiss*


I enjoy the whole prison subplot probably way more than I should.


This game was awesome.. I remember picking it up for xbox thinking it was a generic shooter and it blew me away. I wish I could find it for PC. Good shit Civvie!


Lovin' the general population vibe, one of my favourite shooters too (that I never play heh). Wasn't actually aware of it's development hell before the first release although I vaguely remember Bethesda's bullcrap with Prey 2.


So, uh.. CV11.. Can we sign up to fill the other spots in your Dungeon? I'd happily take CV66 or something.


I remember playing this game on Xbox 360, it was mind blowing and a blast and oh boy the amount of times you die/enter the spirit realm towards the end just becomes ridiculous! That’s crazy what happened to Prey 2, thanks for answering that question what happened and that it was almost finished! You know Bethesda now owned by Microsoft just proves the greasy Corporate bile that circles the games we love and undermines the creative potential of amazing sequels. I mean just look what happened to Blood 2. I am just glad we have a Postal 4 and running with scissors that made it through the past couple of decades.


I remember being so hyped by the Prey 2 footage and details and i never even played Prey. Also dropping a Space Hulk mention there Civvie. Pro Warhammer 40K Space Marine when Civvie


Prey (2017) is my favorite video game ever (for frame of reference, I'm guessing I'm roughly the same age as Civvie, and the game that Prey (2017) unseated for that title was Super Mario Brothers 3 yes really which held the title from when I first played it through 2020 and my second or third go-round with Arkane Studios Prey when Mooncrash dropped). A lot of things called themselves "spiritually sequels" to System Shock 2...Prey (2017) is pretty much literally System Shock 3, it's a much better spiritual sequel than the Bioshock line of games. I played Prey (2006) back in 2007 or so and I knew pretty much none of the history behind it, I don't remember it being anywhere near as impressive as it obviously was looking at this video now. If I still owned it this video would have me rushing to replay it. Completely by accident Prey (2006) and Prey (2017) share a deep vein of profoundly revolting "get it out of me!" body horror between them. It is a testament to how bad Bethesda sucks as a publisher that this is a complete accident. What Bethesda did with the Prey IP and title was deeply shitty and gross. It obviously didn't do Human Head or fans of Prey (2006)/Prey 2 any favors, and it definitely wasn't any good for Prey (2017) or Arkane Studios either: Prey (2017) should absolutely have been called System Shock 3 (because again, short of having Shodan in it, it literally was), and if that wasn't possible due to IP law bullshit, it should definitely have been given a completely original title and certainly not have been given the mantle of a totally different and unrelated game with a completely separate history doing very different things very well. Everybody got hosed with this deal. Fuck Bethesda. Thank you CV-11 for not shitting on my favorite game with this video. I was genuinely relieved. I appreciate the restraint. Again: fuck Bethesda.