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Dearest patrons, I cannot thank you all enough. I was working on this extras video for the last couple days thinking I'd just put it out there and be done with it until I woke up to the notification that we'd hit 5K! 

So I guess this video can double as a 5k celebration. I decided after the last one that the next time I put one of these together I'd put a bit more effort into it than just throwing some cut content into a timeline and adding titles. You know, make it more like a real video with jokes and voiceover and a couple fun surprises that kind of fell into my lap over the last month or so. There's even a small cameo you will not be expecting.

We've got cut content, the 5k goal, cut content, miscellaneous stuff, and then half of it is about the production of that Hellraiser video, where you get to see what that looks like under the hood.

That's all for now, see you guys sometime in the next couple of weeks for EXTREME Rise of the Triad.


Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/7FV6SEkb5d

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it. 

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list. 





butthole reveal at 10k


5k well deserved my guy. You're always rocking it with your videos, and as a retro gamer at heart, I love that shit. Thanks Civvie 🙌


You deserve the success you've gotten and I've been excited watching your views/patreon grow over time. You put a substantial amount of time and effort into your work despite existing on a site that rewards frequent/minimal-effort content. It is /very/ much appreciated. Now let's get that butthole reveal.


Civvie, you're a lovely beast, congratulations and keep on doing the good stuff


Is mentions of onlyantihaters forbidden here? Or am i banned in general lol?


It's slightly surreal hearing you refer to Civvie as a different person, lmao. It's really interesting seeing the cut dialogue, and I lowkey wish that apology had made it into the video. The story about the accidental design move in the Hellraiser video was fantastic. Happy to see you're getting a big following. Your content is stupidly high quality, and you deserve it :)


Thank you for making a shitty day better! Your videos always cheer me up, and as an aside, I was today years old when I realized the hell raiser video was an April fools joke. You sick bastard.


Extreme rise of the triad being ROTT 2013?


Nope, Extreme Rise of the Triad is a 40+ level expansion for the original game that few people have heard of, or played, and it's a nightmare


Well earned! I absolutely love your content, made a Patreon because I wanted to use an adblocker without feeling guilty, just couldn't take any more MrBeast ads. Your videos are of such higher quality than the clickbait trash Youtube typically favors and your income shouldn't be reliant on a fickle algorithm. I hope hitting 5k takes some of the stress off. Also play E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy next time you want to cover a weird fucking game.


This form of Cancer Mouse is my new favorite Pokemon evolution. also this made me want to bump my patronage up to the 5 dollar tier, Cancer Mouse is the key to monetizing this channel


Jesus, I thought I was the only person left alive who played Zero Tolerance.

Zan the Bonebreaker

Grats on the 5k dude, well deserved! P.S. Bruh, you better include Stephan Fucking Weyte somewhere, that's priceless material, make daddy Oshry proud :^)


Enjoy the toilet dude.


Glad you finally get to shit like a king. In a completely unrelated subject- where can I find the rendition for AC/DC's big gun you used in the Amid Evil video?


Good stuff mate. that sound bite is a nice touch, gotta save that for the next new blood vid. As an aside, isn't the 'subscribe and donate' at the end redundant for an unlisted patreon only video?


Sweet! No more buckets! You've earned it.


you're doing well for a reason, my man, and you've gotten even *better*, definitely since your earlier stuff but even in the last year or so since I started following you. Keep it up - there's a love for your subject matter that comes across loud and clear and I am here for it.


i would love to actually play your hellraiser game, that much effort needs a patron release !


Is it a normal toilet or one of those fancy Japanese robot toilets? Because a demonic possessed Japanese robot toilet sounds just dumb enough to work.

BDP Illustrations

Genuinely interesting to see what goes into making the episodes. I do appreciate how freeform it appears to be in the developmental phase.


Congrats for the toilet, man. But, seriously, I'm really looking forward for where this series is going, with all of that demonic possession "arc". It's so refreshing to see this kind of content in YouTube, keep the great work, Civvie.

Adam K

Congrats on the 5K, Civvie! If you want a suggestion for Halloween/"Spooky Stuff," do check out the Typing of the Dead: Overkill. It's an on-rails shooter, but man, it's so over the top and fun that I think you would enjoy it!


We're only $95k from that Civvie Movie! Better start shopping for VAs...


I was late to this channel's party and have always wondered why there is a note that says "NO PYTHON" on the desk. Do you just really hate that language or something?

Raul Campos

Congrats on the 5K


Will this video be public later or will it stay sub content?

Erik Olsson (TerrorBlades)

Congratz! Holy shit he really sent a voice message, that is fucken cool. Happy for you man.


Congrats, your content is amazing as always! Now that you hit 5k landmark, should we await a Civvie11 movie?


Wow, the insight into the Hellraiser video was great. Truly above and beyond. Thank you for all the hard work Civvie.

Brian Rich

Congrats CV-11! We won't ask you to show your butt-hole, but we will make you play "Catfight: The Ultimate Female Fighting Game". I'm a scientist and I need a larger sample size of poor quality DOS trash for my research project.

Liquid Pigeon

That was great man, hope the switch port includes EXTREME ROTT


Congrats Civvie


Sweet, just finished work. This gon' be some good post-dinner watchin'. Congrats on 5k!

Michal -milczyciel- Holdynski

You've got a voice mail from Stephan Weyte?! Fuck it, I'm out - no amount of praise / sweet talking I can ever come up with, will get even close to the climax of climaxes you must have had once this greeting played out in your headphones. Fuck me sideways, that's so awesome!


Good thing that Civvie movie is a joke tier, I remember what happened to Spoony when he hit his “I’ll totally make a movie tier”. Congrats on the 5k, it’s incredible to see how far this channel has come since I jumped on around the Robocop video


A toast to Civvie11! The richest man in town! *sings Auld Lang Syne*


So Civvie, when are you gonna start up the Demonic Dungeoneer $6.66 Tier?


Finally, someone acknowledges the ongoing nazi defamation and speaks out!


You should buy a Dodge Demon, because you know... Demon.


Pro extreme paintball when, Civvie? That aside, the surprise cameo completely caught me off guard, and of course, grats on 5K!


Stefan. Fucking. Weyte.


No Mike J bidet? Was expecting high pressure taintenance maintenance.


Shitty game sprit animal😆


It's worth subbing to your Patreon for that Moviebob line alone.