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This is a thing I've been putting together on and off for about a year. I wanted to do an April Fool's video last year too but then Doom Eternal happened. Because of that, I decided to do something a little unorthodox for this one. Y'know, get weird with it. I recreated a mythical game that never existed. One that can't actually exist since the NES version was cancelled in 1990 and Wolfenstein 3-D came out in 1992. Once I knew that, all I had to do was make up a conspiracy theory about John Carmack traveling through time to piss of Nintendo, which no one watching this channel would give a second thought.

This was a video I wanted to make since early in the channel's life. So much so that I had a folder full of supposed "Hellraiser" NES art lying around since 2017. The game itself doesn't exist which isn't a giant hurdle. Originally, I was going to throw something together in the Wolf3D engine, but I know nothing about it so I settled for replicating something in GZDoom, an engine I know slightly more than nothing about. 

As far as I can tell, The Engineer, Puzzle Box, and Title Screen graphics were created by Roger Deforest of Color Dreams, found at: http://www.cenobite.com/collect/vg.htm. I decided to use them as a jumping-off point. There are few more sprite tables that were posted there. I wanted to use a few of the "leaked sprites" for authenticity and then I ended up making the vast majority of the "art" myself - the sprites, textures, and other graphics, figuring that it wouldn't really matter if they looked bad. The whole thing was going to look bad. People familiar with the leaked stuff might know what was coming next if I attempted to recreate the game "faithfully."

Sound effects were scoured from NES games and re-implemented here - probably the most recognizable one was from Zelda 2. The amazing music tracks were composed by Noelle who did a fantastic 8-bit-ish rendition of Hellraiser music that was so good that I had to say "yeah this is pretty good" in the video about a terrible game where I criticize what are design choices that I purposefully made to be terrible, starting with floating eyeballs. Capstone was kind of my "bad game spirit guide" at times. I have a ton of other stuff written down about the development of this awful thing that I want to release here someday. 

There are 16 or so levels in a WAD, some of which are totally "playable." They're less fun if you look at them for as long as I did because the floor and ceiling effect in the video isn't done in-engine. All the floors and ceilings in the levels are actually fullbright green in order to key the floor and ceiling in later. It's a mess. The floor and ceiling are based off of the effect I'd seen done in Zero Tolerance on the Genesis which I found to be a little more interesting looking than what I'd originally planned which was the gradient effect in Corridor 7.  

Now that this is done, I'm going to work on a Redneck Rampage video, which will cover the 3 big ones (RR, Route 66, and Rides Again) and thankfully there's a good source port, RedNukem, to play them in, but this is another video where I'm going to have to go into the DOS version to compare and make sure I'm not blindly criticizing things in a game I already hated. It's been probably a decade since I ran through all the RR games in DOSBox.


Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/bEGhHEh 

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it. 

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list. 


Hellraiser - The Infernal Cartridge

It certainly tore SOMETHING apart. Further credits: Hellraiser NES music by Noelle: https://www.youtube.com/user/SpeedySPCFan/videos Engineer, Puzzle Box, and Title Screen graphics were created by Roger Deforest of Color Dreams, found at: http://www.cenobite.com/collect/vg.htm Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Join the Dungeon Discord: https://discord.gg/CEBKKJS #FreeCivvie #RetroGaming #AprilFools



im actually insanely stoked for this cause i found Justin Whang's recent video on the vaporware hellraiser game extremely interesting, so I can't wait to see what this is all about


I saw this video too! I was like "cool thing that he's released this a few weeks before my dumb april fool's video!"


And my evening's saved




Sweet tasty content. Need more. 8bit hellraiser new intro music? Sounds good to convey your unending torture by the state. Pro... Arx Fatalis when Civvie?


God I hope you'll remove the intro explaining that this game is fake before it goes public on youtube


People keep saying this but I feel like it'll cut down on my inbox being full of people asking me to send them a fake game.


Skinless Uncle Frank is the heaviest cat. The heaviest cat I ever did see.


That was awesome. You actually did a really good job at making a believable shitty fake game. The music is, indeed, great. Looking forward to Redneck Rampage!


Civvie, when are you going to turn on that $10 tier so we can get you a toilet?


with redneck rampage the gog version works well.


Was Doug Bowser the hero we needed all along?


I have the GOG version and also RedNukem for a souce port that works really well.

Momoiro Akane

Man this is really cool aesthetically, despite not being something that can really be "played". I'd be interested in a whole pwad that looks and plays like a NES game. Good on ya, man. You worked hard on this and it really shows


This was awesome but I'm a little confused as to how you made this. Is it more of an animation or did you mod Doom (or another game) to make this?


Civvie, this is brilliant. Excellent job, such an enjoyable video!


This the top tier content I expect for my $1 a month! Tip of the fedora to you, good Civvie

Erik Olsson (TerrorBlades)

That was allot of fun! Well done! And Christ good luck with Redneck Rampage I have not been able to push myself through that, and I have finished Blood on Extra crispy twice.


You showed the entire nine screen flashes... I'm not sure if I hate you or respect you for it.


Another fantastic video Civvie, can't wait to see redneck rampage. Although...Rage when Civvie? You know you can't avoid it forever!

Jae L. Mora

Reminds me of Antrum, you actually made enough of a game to review

Frank Rice

As an April Fools think I would've liked to see 'Civvie the VTuber' but this was pretty good too. Looks like it took a lot of work. Very nice done.


I've always thought your stuff was impressive but I think this episode takes the cake for effort, [insert citizen kane clapping gif]


I'm just waiting until that $200,000/Month goal is met! 😂


I applaud the effort put into this man. Outstanding as far as shit posts go lol. Also FWIW, I watched and enjoyed the shit out of the Thief videos.

Tripp Andre

I watched and enjoyed the Thief series! This video is highly impressive. Put it in your CV, CV!


Dude, this might be my favorite one yet.


That was awesome. Must have taken a fair bit 'o work!


No sewer level?


Hi Civvie, I hope you are doing well.


I watched the Thief series, it was good and I look forward to the Thief 2 video. You gotta pay off the metal baby setup you did like three years ago in that other video.


link to cenobite.com is broken, period at end of sentence breaks it.


Good stuff, it comes across like a lost Capstone game... Speaking of, Corridor 8: Galactic War when Civvie? ;) Edit: Also found another build engine game for you. It looks painful, maybe only with enough content for a short vid when you need a bit of a break: https://www.gog.com/game/nam


pro doom 3 resurection of evil when civvie?


pro painkiller when civvie ?


Pro Chex Quest when civvie?