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It turns out that you can't even use the Sega Genesis version of Michael Jackson's "Smooth Criminal" in a video without YouTube catching it. Oh well. I saw someone on the patron discord (link for that is below all of this nonsense, and has been since the beginning, I don't know why I was surprised that people couldn't find it) playing this game and it spoke to me. It said all of the wrong things, but it spoke to me. 

In terms of slavjank I think there needs to be some kind of sliding scale. Which looks like this:

Alpha Prime is a weird, incomprehensible mess. Soon we'll see how HROT episode 1 fairs on this chart - either next time or the time after - but I think it'll be pretty high up there between Vivisector and STALKER. As for STALKER - I don't know how to even approach it for a video, been considering a series since it's such a dense experience. We'll see. Right now I've got the HROT video and a Wolfenstein 3-D video in the pipeline where I play Wolf3D the way it was meant to be played - with a modern source port, dedicated strafe buttons, and only using the lives system instead of saves on Death Incarnate. If you've never seen suffering in text form, you can clip that last sentence as an example.

Aside from that, I've been working on a special April Fool's Day project that's sure to be interesting which will probably also come with a "behind the scenes/cut content" video that I'm going to try to make better and more involved than those have been in the past - fully scripted, with voiceovers and jokes and all that. This video had about 4 minutes cut from it because of how unreasonably long and boring the cutscenes are. I rewatched the Kreed video recently and realized how there was WAY too much cutscene stuff and it just DRAGGED, and not intentionally like that Interloper bit in the Half-Life video. Hopefully, even though this video is longer, it doesn't drag nearly as much.
Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/bEGhHEh 

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it. 

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list. 


Alpha Prime - Smoothbrain Criminal

hubbardium Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Join the Dungeon Discord: https://discord.gg/CEBKKJS Speedy's channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/SpeedySPCFan/videos #FPS #FreeCivvie #GameReview


Alyxx the Rat

I covered this game a while ago myself. It's interesting but... yeah, it embodies slavjank lol

Momoiro Akane

Well that was quick. Wolf3D is interesting, looking forward to that. Stalker is an anomaly for a format like yours. It'd be like making a video on New Vegas, there's way too much for a single video, but a series would take ages to make and even watch. Maybe a shorter, self contained story like King of Bahston would be the best way to approach it?


I'd love to do that, then I remember King of Bahston took 6 months to make and I only knew how it was going to end when I nuked the Institute.


Have you tried changing the pitch/transposing the Michael Jackson tune to see if that works? Also that Mega Drive soindtrack is a beast! Maybe a poor choice of words now, depending on your view.


It's a nice feeling seeing one's own hubbardium going into a Civvie video.


Coral snakes may be differentiated from milk snakes using the following handy saying, or one of its variants: Red touches yellow; kill a fellow Red touches black; venom lack


Excellent and fun to watch! Pro Strife when Civvie?


I actually enjoy how much i have learned about FPS history watching this show.


The most disappointing part of the game is that they clearly chose the name Hubbard out of a hat and had no connection to the man or his... "Teachings"... I went in praying for Doom 3 Scientology Edition

Corn Husky

YEAH! I am just happy that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is on the table. We might get Pro Half-Life 2 before STALKER, but at least it isn't written off.


Worry not Civvie, your suffering is not without cause. It amuses me more than sufficiently to stay on as a faithful pay pig ;) Looking forward to STALKER when it eventually hits. But maybe you'll want to try some Dyson Sphere Program to wash that "slavjanker" taste out the mouth.



Brian Rich

So after slav-jank "F.E.A.R." why not cleanse your pallet with the real thing? I still say the second game was not only the best in the series but one of my favorite FPS of all time.


"I rewatched the Kreed video recently and realized how there was WAY too much cutscene stuff and it just DRAGGED" Yeah gotta say I think Kreed is the one video of yours I don't rewatch because it drags so much. Way too much focus on "look at this insanity" but the insanity is too slow to be engrossing more than once. You haven't really done that since then, You Are Empty was a better go at it even if I think the earlier bits were a little overreact-y, so it's been good since then.


Pro F.E.A.R. when Civvie? XD

Nicholas Kratzer

Love the video, Civvie. Great stuff, as always. Question for the room: when did Civvie get possessed? Is this another case of Civvie having plot happen off camera/out of nowhere, or did I just miss something?


It's kind of a shame you thought Kreed dragged on because that was one of my favorite episodes. Then again, Kreed's cutscenes were completely weird while it seems like Alpha Prime's are just boring.


Oh man, I've played this! Not to completion because... eeeh 😆

Jae L. Mora

Pro Grezzo 2 when Civvie?


Hey, if you are ever looking for more weird jank for a video, Iron Storm, Alien Rage, Action Alien and Legendary might be up your alley. They're all on steam too. Awesome video as always!


I think the game this reminds me of, most of all, is Pariah. I'm not sure you can even still get it anywhere, but man, it's one of those games that only makes sense if you assume the protagonist is suffering from undiagnosed schizophrenia from the first cutscene onwards.




Man, Pariah is underrated. Had some great levels and satisfying explosions


Watch the Evil Dead video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3YG8oqhYMg It should cover some ground. Poor lad has been trapped in the basement ever since...


Oh fuck, I remember when this was previewed in the gaming magazines.


hey civvie do you actually do the subtitles yourself? because ever since that French gag you did on the MDK video on how that you understand "some French", about roughly 80% of your vids have French subtitles in them. More than any other language that have subs for any video. Not that im complaining im learning French off you. i even learned how to say "It's fucking raw" (c'est cru, putain!)


I do not do the french subtitles, I have someone for that who is very dedicated


Bummer to see they sent you down to 110, Love the ax3 animation work.


Jesus... It's like if Metroid: Other M was in Metroid Prime format... Poor bastard.


its a thing beauty to watch and listen to you, thanks for the material.


STALKER is a pretty linear game if you ignore all the open worldness of it all. It's also got one of the biggest backtracks of all time that is so damn easy to miss that I'm pretty sure everyone missed it on their first playthrough and got one of the weird "bad" endings. But before you get to that, I'm pretty sure you need a palette cleanser. A good game for once, I think you're overdue...oh wait you just played HL1...uuuuh... Oh...I got it! How bout some America-Jank...YankyJank?...YankJank! Homefront! But regardless, awesome as always, CV-11!

Samuel Albert Mell

Should do another game with Alpha in the title. Only one that's fun and competent. How about Alpha Protocol?


Since 2000s fps games are the topic right now, Might I suggest the chronicles of riddick:escape from butcher bay.


I got excited i thought you were doing alpha protocol


This must have hurt to film and edit. Thank you for your suffering.

Tripp Andre

Hey Civvie, this was great, thanks much.


A STALKER series seems interesting. Sadly will probably be like Petty Thief, forgotten by half of the viewers. I'd watch it though, Stalker is great.