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It's about time I did more Blood. Death Wish has been in the pipeline for a while and what better time to do it than October? Death Wish is more horror than OG Blood was, especially in episode 3.  What a ride this one was. Pure, uncut joy, enough to break my "no mods" rule and open the floodgates to people requesting all sorts of things. What have I done? 


Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/bEGhHEh 

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it. 

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list. 



It's October! It's Blood! The dark god Tchernobog returns with his army of cultists and build engine explosions! Death Wish on moddb: https://www.moddb.com/mods/death-wish-for-blood MarkieMusic's channel https://www.youtube.com/c/markiemusic Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Join the Dungeon Discord: https://discord.gg/CEBKKJS


Terry T. [ERROR]

The true blood 2. I just want them to make another one... Come on monolith!!! Do it!


Can't wait to see this tonight in the dark


Arcane Dimensions when, Civvie?


*hype levels dangerous*


Hey Civvie, have you ever considered doing a couple doom wads, such as Plutonia 2? Also is your editor supposed to be just an editor or is she another special corrections inmate?


Another great Pro Blood vídeo, this is glorious.


Must watch, can't work, shut up.


Great video, so many new levels to play. Never heard of Death Wish until now, 5 minutes into the video I started downloading it . Thanks Civvie!


astounding~ i need to play this


Guys, check out that metal cover. So good! https://www.youtube.com/c/MarkieMusic


Oh. FUCK YES. I waited for this since you said you'd be doing this!!


I remember Simpsons Doom the only way my parents would let me play doom haha. Got love a good mod


Never make a Death Wish, Civvie. A Death Wish always comes true. And you get to love it.


Groovy? Is it time for Duke?


A new Civvie video? It must be my birthday. Wait, it is! Thank you!


Awesome video. \


Horror? Groovy? My money's on an Evil Dead game, maybe 'Hail to the King'. It's a Resident Evil clone, complete with tank controls, fixed camera angles, pre-rendered environments, limited inventory spaces, and item puzzles. I remember it fondly due to obfuscating nostalgia, but footage proves didn't start out great, and has only aged worse. Civvie mentioned it briefly in his Alien: Resurrection video, which is why I'm guessing it.


Well, I was gonna go to class tomorrow...downloads Death Wish instead..


I love this mod and it should be canonized as an official Blood sequel IMO.


This looks great, man. Anyone know if it's 1 on 1 compatible with the gog version of Fresh Supply? I can't wait to play this.




Ok, before I watch past the spoiler warning... should I actually play Blood and this Mod? Can I play it with a controller? Look I know a lot of PC games are probably better with keyboard and Mouse maybe, but I ain't got a mouse, I got a touchpad.


Hey Civvie. Have you heard of Breakdown? It’s a 2004 shooter/fighting game that never leaves the first person perspective, with a full in-game body. The story is an acid-trip too.


Nope, never heard of it. The fighting game aspect terrifies me. If you guys think I suck at Blood you should see me try to play a fighting game


friday 2pm.. checking my mail.. missed a new cv11 video! FUCK WORK! MUST SEE IT NOW! ...BLOODY GLORIOUS!

Aaron Thomas

Soooo... was that pro red faction a joke or?


I know ya probably get these comments up the ass, but I really think you should do a wolfenstein series. I think it'd be super cool to see how the series evolved over all those years, and your opinions on each of the entries


naturally, you'd start with escape from castle wolfenstein for the commodore 64


Hoping for evil dead! After all its the biggest inspiration for all the games that influenced boomer shooters for the most part.


I dont know man, I think your ass will be turned into a butter churner if you play with a controller


Well, well, well, what do we get for Christmas? I've been a good boy. We all have.


My god, it's like they looked at the game before and thought to themselves, "This game needs more explosions... EVERYWHERE."


All Civvie videos = awesome. Civvie Blood videos = ultra awesome!