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Ready thy Tome of Power, it's time for Medieval DOOM, Raven's first in the Serpent Rider trilogy, where the points don't matter and the projectiles fly faster than you do. 

Been working on this one for a while. Decided to play on the hardest difficulty, Black Plague Possesses Thee, because monsters don't respawn. It wasn't that much of a problem until maybe halfway through Episode 3. Previously, I'd only gone through on Smite-Meister, Ultra-Violence, and this was only a slightly more difficult experience. As far as Hexen goes, I'm not sure what skill I'll do that on, but I have been playing through Hexen II on the hardest skill with the Necromancer as sort of a trial run, and that's not very hard at all once the game gives you more than zero mana. 

Next month is October, which means spooky stuff. Death Wish for Blood is up next, followed by a newer, lesser known game that's pure, unfiltered horror madness. 

And yes, I have played Serious Sam 4, and I have no idea when I'll make a video on it. I like a lot of the game and would prefer to wait for it to be patched a bit more to improve the performance.

Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/bEGhHEh 

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it. 

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list. 


Professional Heresy

Ready thy Tome of Power, Black Plague Possesses Thee! Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Join the Dungeon Discord: https://discord.gg/CEBKKJS Links: https://www.youtube.com/user/SpeedySPCFan/videos - Speedy's channel


Terry T. [ERROR]

Good? Bad? Doesn’t matter. Always good to see raven!


You must be the only person in the world that likes SS4 and isn’t Croatian. Are you secretly Croatian? 🤔


Don't get me wrong, it has a lot of problems. The inventory system is a mess, the final boss is garbage, the legion system they promoted is used exactly once, the cutscenes are Borderlands-level cringe most of the time, the game autosaves you in awful spots, and it's pretty raw in general, but the fundamental Serious Sam gameplay is there and functions as good as it has since around 2002.


Pro Leisure Suit Larry when Civvie?


Love, love this game so much!

Deadly Premonition Is A Masterpiece

Hi Civvie. I was wondering if you ever plan to make a vid No Rest for the Living? Or is it not good/not official enough? Just curious, looking forward to watching this vid 👍


I don't know. It's not a bad episode. i was thinking of doing it if/when I get to an episode where I go over a bunch of the official Doom releases I haven't covered. There's already a mountain of games i have to make videos on and NRFTL isn't the most interesting thing to talk about even if it's pretty good and surprisingly modern in terms of Doom level design for when it came out. I think it was a Nerve software thing, like that Quake Episode 5.


I can't live without you. Please never stop.

Erik Olsson (TerrorBlades)

Holy shit! Your doing Death wish!? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss! Edit: note for Death Wish, Reflective shots on Extra Crispy does not reflect Cheog* shots.


Goddamnit Civvie it's AH-zure, not azYOUR.

The Semichrist

Just in time. I was starting to withdraw from Civvie like a health pipe.

Brian Rich

I didn't love "Heretic" as much as "Doom" although it's the only other game besides that one that I was significantly intrigued with to buy the shareware version of. Best five bucks I ever spent in the 90s. Boy I miss those ESRB ratings, you knew how good a game you were in for by how many ESRB bars were filled up.


I enjoy episodes that involve sass from Katie. Also thanks for another solid update.

Benjamin Glover

Thank you for yet another Big Lebowski reference


Nice video as always Civv. Level 1 of both final episodes... oh boy, i did actually try them A LOT but was tired of the sound of my own guns, i mean.. "destructive weaponry" and after dying and dying just because i wanted to kill all monsters (not a wise decision), i just dropped the game at that point. I did enjoy a lot the first 3 episodes though. As a side note, i always said that the ghost knights were throwing deadly half eaten apples at me (red shit attack) . Looking forward for Hexen series :D


This is awesome. Heretic is a really underrated FPS, imo. I used to have nightmares with the Iron Lich when I was a kid.


will death wish be three episodes or just one?


Fuck yes I have been waiting for this!!


The dungeon part was funny.


Hexen’s going to need a “cryptic bullshit” counter. :P


Thanks for the laughs Civvie.

Tony Toon

Three minutes in and I gotta say: civvie is firing on all cylinders for this one.

Tony Toon

I’m actually a bit disappointed you did it on the highest difficulty and got extra ammo. My own play through I’m finding myself annoyed by how much I have to lean on the wand killing one million imps and was wondering you had the same experience.


I forgot that D'Sparil had his own Sealab.


lmao this mfer said "stuffer" (32:05)


I just picked this game back up literally yesterday, after slogging through all the episodes earlier this year. It's so enjoyable to watch your introspective on this game that I spent many summers of my youth playing.


Great video civvie! Question to anyone that has played the game, is the armor system and armor pick ups the same as Doom?


Good video, video man


Actually I found the best way to dealing with maulotaurs is with gloves with tome of power. Their melee DMG will be neglected by life drain entirely


A weird glitch or something happened to me at about the 24 minute mark. The video started getting really choppy, then an ad played, but it didn't finish. Then, the video played as normal.


Civvie just out of curosity - how much do you like original Unreal? Ive heard you mention it couple of times in positive way. For me it is the best FPS of all time. Definitely not very influential, but rich with atmosphere created by graphics and music, amazing gunplay and level design (not quite abstract or complicated like Doom,but....beliveble I guess?) and insanely fun enemies except bullshit hitscan bullet spongy Merceneries.

Tripp Andre

Thanks Civvie. Enjoyed it. I was standing in a coffee shop when the Patreon notification email dropped. I fist-pumped and said "Yessss!" out loud. Hah. It's a game I've actually played before! I've got the original CD-ROM somewhere. Thanks again.


Hell yeah! Good Vid, and hyped for October!


So amazing I love your videos we so need redneck rampage one day


My Patreon discord invite is invalid it said when I tried the link. I attempted several times with no luck :(