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So as soon as people started watching the previously posted Doom Annihilation video, Universal hit it with a claim and blocked it worldwide. This is the fifth upload I've done for this video on YouTube, and while I've submitted a dispute, I've uploaded it to BitChute for the time being. Which sucks. 


Looks like no YouTube revenue for this one. This is actually why I don't do movie reviews anymore. But eh, whatever, here it is. 


Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/bEGhHEh 

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it. 

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list. 



Doom Movie 2: All Fish, No Barrel


DFawlt Uzr

Dang that sucks, sorry to hear that Civvie :(


Apparently Universal is notorious for this kind of thing. Oh well.


Thanks for the mirror, Civvie!

Raul Campos

Thanks, Civvie. Fuck Universal.


Jesus Christ universal


I'm sorry they demonized you, I am raising my patreon to help out!


I've been doing just fine so don't worry about it too much. This was always a risk going in.


Ah damn, you got to this one before I did. Probably for the best, though. Universal's blocked the visibility on my latest review, currently fighting that dispute, so I guess I can relate?


Apparently Universal is the worst when it comes to claims. I would have been ok with them taking the ad revenue but blocking it? Nah. Dick move.

Terry T. [ERROR]

Sorry it got taken, universal is infamous for this kinda crap. Hope you can get it onto YouTube since this video will be dead in the water without it.


The way you're growing Civvie, pretty soon they'll have to beg to use YOUR content 👍

Dirk Hoderin

Going back to what I said before the last upload died, I'm looking forward to the Slavjank you mentioned, and I reckon Pro Max Payne might be fun. Man that bitchute or whatever you put it on has Alex Jones on the front page though, yikes that site sounds skeezy.

sevrl bats

if they just let you post the video and took the ad revenue it'd make em more than this thing grossed


Thank you for the video, It's really shit that creating videos about movies is always risky. Especially when they block it from viewers....


Wasnt even aware this movie existed. Good stuff!


It is shady but it's also the easiest place I know of to upload anything that gets claimed. I think I made an offhand reference to it in an earlier video when talking about getting banned from YouTube and having to "upload my videos to one of those websites that has white supremacists on the front page."


Goddamn douchebags man. Can't wait to see the video after work; this movie was a massive pile of (entertaining) trash.


Great retrospective. Your movie reviews are always so fun to watch. I'd like you to know, I made a bitchute account just to subscribe to you on it, man. I have no idea what this site even is but we'll support you wherever you go! Also, maybe we can get a 10 sub special on there? Only one away!


>Joan Dark >Joanna Dark >Perfect Dark


Dear god, when I said DOOM ANNIHILATION WHEN CIVVIE, I didn't think the madman would actually do it. Hope the patreon allows you to make dumb unmonetizable projects.


While I am sad that you won't get any ad revenue, I am happy I can watch a civvie video without that Dr. Squatch asshole tell me my soap makes me a gay pussy or whatever

Michal -milczyciel- Holdynski

Simply put - fuck 'em. I'll watch your content and follow you even if you'll decide to post on redtube or goddamn Isis servers. Bitchute here I go!

Erik Olsson (TerrorBlades)

Civvie I want you to know that I love your content and don't want you to crash your self against the waves of stupid that is YouTube. This little gem will be to the Patreons! Make a trailer for this "exclusive" content :P Keep safe Civve, much love to ya'.


Still think that the mario movie wasn't too terrible


Considering the production troubles it is better than it has any right being. I didn't grow up playing the games however.


Great stuff! I couldn't bring myself to watch beyond the credits so I'm glad to see I'm not missing much. For video hosting I've been playing with LBRY, it's interesting from a tech perspective as it's all peer to peer with cryptocurrency tips.


I liked the mini 76 review at the credits. And I fully agree. The game went from complete shit at launch to just below Okay now.


Jesus this movie. Though i want to mention i really enjoy your movie review videos, i think i enjoy your Pirates video more than i did that movie, though with far less shame. Also i have you to thank for my constant use of "keep it greasy" when saying goodbye to people. Strangers included.


This movie is a pain and youtube with the copyright system is ridiculous.

Tripp Andre

Thanks Civvie.


Look you're gonna notice that some of these copyright claims are copied and pasted; movies, whole videos, so it gets a little confusing. Best Civvie meme.

Ben Landry

The F key in Skifree apparently would make you go faster to escape the Yeti. So, uh, there's that.


Wasn't Event Horizon more of a Warhammer 40K movie? Awesome stuff... less awesome for the copyright bullshit. Fuckin' Youtube.


Incomprehensible. The point of restricting access to "Doom: Annihilation" is null. The logical route leading to the paramount wealth is to produce fallacy-born and greed-accepted claim of CV-11's work and steal his income in accordance with legal regulations. We like to refer to it (considering the content of this cinematic picture) as the "Dissatisfied Doom Fan Exploit". One could believe that U*******l is trying to forbid others from seeing their mortifying embarrassment out of shame, but this idea feeds upon a concept that a massive corporate entity has priorities that differ from increasing their profit and receiving some "product"(Yes, you are correct), therefore we deem it dead from conceptual starvation. Regardless, we are downhearted to learn that CV-11 and CV-16 did not receive the money for their work on this project and you have our amity and support. As for our opinion about the film in question: there was an attempt, regrettably a failed one. Everything else has already been said by the Doom devotees and indeed CV-11. Post scriptum: It seems that the patreon platform coding likes to apply thy flesh consumed treatment to our comments, this is in fact the third time we are creating the same text, if all the ones that were not able to survive suddenly reappear in this comment section please apply great vengeance and furious anger.


What was the movie where cv11 said the better doom movie?


Oh dear... this might be the worst movie I’ve ever seen, and I love Karl Urban Doom. How could they possibly fuck up so bad... what did they take as reference?!


another quality video, bravo.


"Joan Dark"... Like Joanna Dark? Was someone just a fan of Perfect Dark?

Terry T. [ERROR]

Hollywood, we I guess universal seems to think doom 3 was the best of the series. Now doom 3 is... it’s fine. But honestly I don’t get it, what so appealing about a horror movie on Mars opposed to the far better option of big budget gory action shooter movie. I mean for goodness sake, doom 3 is one horror game in a series known for ripping and tearing! They did this twice now and this one doesn’t have the rock to at least kinda support it. Frick universal. Frick Hollywood or wherever movies are made now. #freecivvie.


It can be assumed that the mind behind the name was drawing ideas from the same font of creativity that the name of "Hiro" our hero of Daikatana was conceived from.


Some of these areas are copied and pasted. Rooms, whole hallways so it gets a little confusing. Nice...


i realize the yt culture isn't for this sorta media, 'copy-write deadlock' being what it is. It's worth pointing out, even weeks after the fact that i'm down for pateon exclusive bits like this, kudos even if i realize you're not making as much bank on this one man. bummer, but this is coolio, loved your little movie commentary