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Finally! (He says, as an introduction to half of the uploads)

Been planning this one for a while obviously. I was waiting for Postal 4 to be in a better state before doing a video. Also had to upgrade my PC in order for it to not look and run like complete trash. A recent performance updated helped a lot. Now I get it running between 50-60 FPS most of the time and I all I needed was a GTX 2060 RTX and 16 GB of RAM! Oh yeah! 

I expect to fully jump into the Daikatana video next. FYI, I am playing with the 1.3 patch because I want to give people an idea of what they'd be playing in 2020. I know some of you will be disappointed that I'm not using the most unstable version, so I came up with a compromise: I played with save gems and left companions on - as intended by Blessed Romero. If you think it's no longer a frustrating mess with the 1.3 patch you just wait. This one is going to take a bit longer because I'm expecting it to be at least 45 minutes wading through it's green, vertex-warpy horrors.


Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/bEGhHEh 

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it. 

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list. 



Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Join the Dungeon Discord: https://discord.gg/CEBKKJS Links: Speedy's channel https://www.youtube.com/user/SpeedySPCFan/videos #FreeCivvie #GoPostal





And my parents told me paying convicts to do whatever was a BAD idea. hahah whos laughing now?


Thank you.

Raul Campos

Thanks, Civvie


That was a wonderful and much-needed distraction from my day. Thank you for that. Do you think your Daikatana episode will be as long as the DNF? I *really* enjoy your longer episodes, even though I'm sure they are a ton of work on your (and Katie's) end.


The Civvie easter eggs make me unreasonably happy.


That's how is done.


For a minute, I thought this was a Tiger King game.


It'll be as long as it needs to be. I expect it to be longer than normal just because of how long my notes and current outline are.


Huh, those are pretty high specs for the outdated graphics the game has.


Last time I played Daikatana the first boss spawned right above the doorway I was in and it didn't want to move so I just picked it off with ease. So much jank :) I do remember enjoying the greek levels back in the day with the Harryhausen-esque skeletons.


GTX 2060 RTX, GTX RTX. Civvie pls. pls.


Wait, I thought if you were killed while in the computer, you would die in real life too!?


This can't be good for me, but I feel great.


I wonder how many Duke references they can get him to say before Randall S. Pitchford III gets involved. Though knowing RWS they'd just put Randy in the game as a shitty street magician


Damn Civvie, you're video game currency now. Next you need to do a cooking episode with Gordon Ramsay. Also Pro Death Wish for Blood when Civvie


Demolition Man reference... that's a paddlin


This belongs in a museum!

Terry T. [ERROR]

Absolute perfection. Hope this ends with, what else, the apocalypse.


im getting alot of pent up frustration that no one is willing to pee on you civvie are you okay?


Oh man, I bought this on release and my old ass Laptop could barely handle the game at really low settings... so I gave up. Now I get to see what I’m missing out on.


How come there's Civvie merch IN GAME but not in real life? I want a Cancer Mouse t-shirt dammit!


The game is a bit shite right now. It's a Postal-skin of your typical asset-flip shooter. Of course, a) it is an alpha of a single level, and b) it's Postal, where quality has never been job one. I would like to see someone with some actual game design/level design on this project. Postal 2 was a lot of things (some of them vastly amusing), but an actual GAME it wasn't. A few linear gauntlet "missions" don't cut it anymore, and that's all I saw in the alpha.


And Lo, Twas Civvie Pissing On Himself That Brought Me To His Patreon. Whisper it, but I've watched the entire back catalogue - twice - while working from home for the last few months, but this video tipped me over the edge, it was adorable.


I remember Postal 2 being the first game I ever pirated (via IRC of all places) back when I was 12 years old shortly after it's release, and boy was it worth it. If it weren't for that juvenile moment, I don't think I would have ended up discovering you, Civvie. Thank you for all of your hilarious content and for seriously taking me back to the golden age of gaming in which I grew up in with idTech and Build engine games, you're YouTube gold and I am proud to introduce myself to Patreon by joining your community.