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UPDATE: Re-uploaded an ad-free version of the updated video to link here. GLHF 4/20 NICE LOL

Another video so soon? Well, I've been trying to start this series for months. 

It took a while to figure out how to tackle it. Unlike most things I cover on this channel, Thief is a very slow game that requires patience. I don't think this episode is the best the series will offer since the first couple missions of Thief are the least interesting. Except for that hand of glory, ugh, when I looked up what that was... 

Basically, instead of writing a script, I recorded the game footage and then did voiceover on the fly during editing. We'll see how that works out! 

Keep it greasy, but also disinfect all surfaces in your home.


Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/bEGhHEh 

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, 

shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it. 

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list. 


Petty Thief #1 - Patreon Re-Upload

It's back, it's longer, but cut down in the prologue and with an intro added for maximum... uh... intro?



More new vids? Civvie you are spoiling us!


It would have taken longer but I've been trying to make it for so long that bits of it were already done weeks ago.

Raging Striker

Looking forward to it. Should be interesting. Always happy to see a new video. Only played the newest thief and that was... ok. I never finished it


Oh you poor bastard. Thief 1 and 2 are some of the best games ever made.


I don't mind the newish format and extended clip length, but IMO, run downs on NewDark & Tafferpatcher are essential. Will definitely get more interesting and more deserving of a breakdown when you get to Constantine's mansion.


"So soon" is irrelevant to those of us who wait for your new videos with feverish anticipation. Okay, maybe "feverish" isn't the best adjective right now, but you get the point.


Bruh, is the part where we say, thank you daddy? Im confused how this modern day internet works, but thank you bro!


Naw fam, Feverish works, a buddy of mine and i make it a point to hop on discord and drink when a new video comes out.


I don't know why the cat that sang with Paula Abdul is a patron but thanks!


I didn't want to go into technical stuff in this one, just kinda jump in and get it going. Considered doing a whole intro about the port and the new stuff I was using but thought it would make the video drag more. NewDark has an interesting history though.


stay awesome, Civvie

Michal -milczyciel- Holdynski

Hand of glory? Never heard of it - lemme google it real quick before watching... Oh... Ok then... Love OG Thief to death, so I'm not gonna lie - this will be a very personal kind of treat for me. One you could only up by playing SS2 once you feel like you want to. What? A man can dream ;) AFTER EDIT: That was awesome - can't wait for more!


New format works for me! I bought the Thief quadrilogy on Steam when it was on sale an eon ago... Only played the first of Thief 4... And I watched that super old LP that Bobbin Threadbare did over on the LPArchive... And I've played SS2... I really should play through them...


I loved this series. 2 and especially 3 had GREAT narratives. Shame the 'reboot' screwed it up to the point no one is going to bother with it again anytime soon.


Oh, another fun thing about the Hand of Glory, It was believed back then, if you lit that thing on fire, it would produce a flame that could not be seen. Useful for a thief.

Hungry Carrot

Im going to be critical of you because i admire your video style so much as a editor. This new style is boring to watch, in your other videos you give descriptions of the games, whats going on, its a constant commentary, its where your script writing shines. taking that out is a drag, but thats just my opinion


Great stuff.


I think Civvie watches a decent amount of old TPB, good on him


A change of pace but I enjoyed it a lot. I must have played the beginning of Thief a lot as the tutorial VO is very familiar. I am bad at stealth games though which explains why I dont recognise anything beyond the first level.


I'm so glad that we got to learn about pro doom pro quake and pro shadow warriors great great great great grand uncle: petty thief!!! Also I'd love a small scripted pre splash screen intro on what thief is, looking glass ken levine etc.


Awesome never played these cause a game called “Thief” didn’t sound very appealing to me. Played the Xb1 version of it and it was pretty boring. Looking forward to this!

Brian Rich

Wow, I remember this one. One of the first games I played after getting my Voodoo2 card.


18:21 - 18:26 Call back to Greasy Randy on Aliens:Colonial Marines and the Paratamizer in the Sin movie video.


Just started a play through of this last week! Didn't think I'd be seeing that tutorial again any time soon.


one of the first games i really started playing and helped develop a love of good stealth games. Got to the point i could put an arrow through a guards throat from extreme ranges. Pacifist runs i did not do.


While I am glad you finally did thief gotta say the different format isnt my bag. Like hungry carrot said your script writing is king and the journey you take the viewers on through the history of the game youre playing is what keeps me coming back. I mean for fucks sake you didnt even manage to squeeze in a Carmack reference. But you did grease it up a bit with Randy so there is that. What I mean is it kinda just felt like I was watching you watch someone else play Thief. Hey, its your thing so try out different ideas. Cant fault you for that. Also. did DNF feel straight up reference Thief with the pretentious throne room bit?


I fucking love Thief. When doing the series this way it might help to explain the format a bit as an introduction in the video itself. You have good riffing game so I'm enjoying this, but it starts out a bit weird, just a bit off.


Well Civvie this is definitely the most Let's Play Let's Play you've done, a fine accomplishment.


I've read and listened to the comments here. In an attempt to improve the video, I have added an intro, cut it down some, and moved a few things around. The new version will come out tomorrow publicly and I'm aiming to upload another version that will stay ad free for patrons. The comparitively slow pace of the video is a little unavoidable because of the subject matter and future episodes will have more in-depth stuff. Because of the nature of the first couple of Thief missions and the game itself I wanted to keep gameplay clips front and center because of how important atmosphere and sound are to the overall experience.


Hey Civvi, have you played Maximum Action? It's a New Blood Interactive game. Looks like it would be right up your alley.


I dunno, I watched the video and thought it was just fine. Not every video has to follow the same format. I can dig a more LP-style, slower-paced romp through a slower-paced game.


I understand what you were going for in terms of the different format, but your intros specifically are usually some of the best in the business. They're really good about giving background about the game itself, its developers, the greater industry context into which a game was released, and yet somehow at the same time they never come off as pompous or long-winded. The lack of one in this was quite jarring, especially for a game as important as Thief. Thanks for reconsidering.


Great vijeo. You really did capture the atmosphere of the game. I encourage you to keep with this approach. I’d like to see where this is taking you and what can be done with it.


I remember when I played Thief Deadly Shadows, I was REALLY enjoying it. I had been playing it for quite a while without saving, so I decided that I should save before something bad happened. So I went into the menu, clicked save aaaaaaand the game crashed. It crashed TRYING TO SAVE. I lost SO much progress that I just uninstalled the game right there and never played it again. I guess I'll finally get to see what the rest of it is like once you get to that game, haha.


I think the improved second version of the video is much better. Great Intro! Now the episode is officially boomer-approved. And now that I've watched the whole gameplay-parts again, I have to say this style of the episode fits pretty well with Thief. Sometimes you have to see things a second time to praise it's true glory, Sire! I'm unworthy and know better now. P.S.: WHAT!?! You get 10 health back for taking a piss in Duke 3D?!?!?!?! I haven't noticed this all my life! And I've been playing this game since it came out!!!!!1111eleveneleven Last time the pic cops with their tanks and now this... Whats next!?


The updated intro is much better! Thanks Civvie :D


System Shock 2 when Civvie