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Capstone. Capstone. 

Their name instills terror in the hearts of all who lived through the PC gaming scene in the 90's. At least it should. It's been almost two years now since Tekwar, which is a shame. I remember thinking I would start every "season" with a Capstone game. We're close though. March 17th will be the three year anniversary of the show, three years since Corridor 7, two years since Tekwar, and hopefully it won't take another year to do Witchaven 2. I'd planned a double feature, but Witchaven 2 runs like trash, isn't supported by GDX (to my knowledge), and the only port of it that exists fixes the funnier bugs and is for DOS. 

Witchaven isn't as bad as most of the other Capstone games, but uh... oof.

This took a little longer than I wanted it to because I've been working on rehabbing the dungeon set. You'll notice that immediately because I'm also trying another new thing with a kind of first-person capture. We'll see how it goes.

Coincidentally, the last major update to the set was all the way back in the Tekwar video. I don't know, I just feel like having it look like a PS1 cutscene has run it's course and I should try making it look less shitty, but still fitting with the aesthetic of shit. 

I'd like to thank everyone who's pledged and helped make this whole mess successful. In year 4 we're finally getting some goddamned Thief videos, I promise. Next up though? Doom. ETERNAL. 


Patron discord link: https://discord.gg/bEGhHEh 

If you'd like to have a different name in the credits than what you pledged with, leave me a comment, or DM me on here or Twitter or discord or whatever. If your name is wrong, not included, or anything else, 

shoot me a message calling me an asshole and telling me to fix it. 

Or if you want one of those fancy colored names that everyone gets now if they want. The credits in the video are usually a couple of days behind the actual patron list. 


Witchaven - Curse of Capstone

The Pinnacle of Entertainment Software gets medieval. Patrons see episodes early: https://www.patreon.com/civvie11 Twitter: https://twitter.com/civvie11 Join the Dungeon Discord: https://discord.gg/CEBKKJS Links: https://www.youtube.com/user/SpeedySPCFan/videos - Speedy's channel #FreeCivvie #Retrogaming #GameReview



I thought the air felt thicker, a new civvie video was surely on the horizon. Low and behold, our Prometheus returns. What fire of old shitty game knowledge do you bring to us mortals today?...

Dirk Hoderin

Okay, Civvie, I gotta give you credit for making "the pinnacle" a tag.


Nice vid CV. Question, which would you rather play, TNT or a marathon of Capstone?


Love the. Video! Great work man! Still waiting on a video for doom the turn based mobile version!


Finally, a capstone game I had as a child


Happy (almost) anniversary! Also do a Pro Dance Dance Revolution.


The set getting a texture upgrade looked pretty nice. I will say the first-person camera bit was a little jank cause it had that drift and stutter that mouselook always has? Which could work if it's going for full FPS game mode, but maybe'll take some getting used to to disassociate it with a real person looking around.


I like that the episode is of a crap FPS before the kings of the genre return to show how it's done. I'm looking forward to playing DOOM Eternal myself on the 20th.


Great video Civvie, March 17th i have my birthday and your show to celebrate, nice.


This made my weekend, Civvie. Thank you.


I get it now, Civvie. The guilt of voluntarily playing Daikatana was too much, so it all had to go away. All of it. I'm so sorry, my friend. I understand now.


Absolutely hilarious.


You need to do Witchaven 2 just for the acid trip of an ending


Aww yeah, another Capstone game! The old Capstone games episodes are among my favourites. The new dungeon looks great, too! Same style, just cleaner. Well, not literally cleaner.


I gotta say I love the First Person Dungeon.


Yea, the first person dungeon is cool, i like the camera movement, feels light and organic.


Will you finish the video for Eternal Doom sooner than usual?


I doubt it since I'm still playing it and I expect it to be a long one


Really enjoyed this vid! I'm not even sure what my name on here IS. Let's find out by commenting. I don't care there's better ways to do that.

Brian Rich

I remember a friend having this game and enjoying it. Then again that person also raved about how much fun "Minesweeper" was. Still didn't seem as bad as "Messiah" (2000).


You take that back right now! Messiah was awesome. Yes, it was jank as hell, but it was great.