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We are now in December so let's talk about what's coming!

But first, reviewing last month, this was a weird month all in all. It was extremely busy for me, aside from work, as the last third I had to deal taking care of with a lot of my parents stuff as they had traveled, and of course the sudden problems with my stylus and some other computer related stuff.

With that in mind this month we had two completely new pictures, those being Shamir's new set. Then there's the YCH with Kalariss which has its full set of variants and stuff. And of course the two big remakes of Valeera and Alexstrasza, both being actually some of the biggest remakes I've done as I had to further redraw quite a bit of them and do a lot of repainting.  Finally the Azshara renewal which was much less work with just some drawing of new elements and some painting.

Of course there's still the GOTM, Elsa which was delayed once again, this time mostly due the stylus issues but hey, speaking of that.

My parents are back so I don't have to take care of their stuff, but thanks to their trip I was able to acquire some new tech. New tablet, stylus, and computer parts. This is all thanks to your support of course and all of these should help me work better and perhaps faster. Haven't tried them yet, particularly re arming my computer may take a while, but still this is a good upgrade for my work area and of course more than that.

With this I may actually try things that would kill my current computer such as animation and stuff, but of course that is far into the future yet.

This month we also had the most chapters of all. With 15 chapters across different stories, The Smite story, Teyza's story, Lightning's story and the new Byleth one. So that was quite productive.

- November's Rewards

As usual, rewards will arrive on the 5th of the month which is the day Patreon finishes processing the payments. So if you had any trouble with your payment you can fix it up by then!

Now for December

So the plans are:

- Pictures

This time I have a much more rigid plan for the month.

First off is completing the GOTM picture about Elsa which will be ready in a few days before the rewards are delivered.

We'll also continue Shamir's set. And it's december, so that means a new Winter Helper Valla pic, because that's tradition around here. There's also 3 YCH I'll complete.

Of course also the GOTM picture that will be warcraft themed and as stated in the previous post, it will be the 12th Warcraft Hottie in the series. Feel free to comment on this post any suggestions you have for the poll BTW.

And of course the defeated Heroine picture. Which won the theme poll. It wasn't even close.

So With all that, set, there's still other stuff I want to do.

I want to draw Ashe one more time, that will be explained later. Waiting to see if there's a new Winter skin to plan that.

There's still a League of Legends idea I've been meaning to do.

And also Laegjarn from Fire Emblem.

These last 3 are more dependent on how much time I have to work on them, and also of course they may be represented with the defeated Heroine pic, depending how the idea fits.

- Stories

Many chapters are also coming this month! A lot of chapters in queue. I'll definitely will have to check that back with you. But the schedule in general has many for the first part. And we'll see how we work the second part of the month around.

And once again, I might also continue Tabatha's story, but I'm not as sure about that given the time availability. If so that will come with a poll. A Picture? not so sure, but we'll see.

- Polls

So we'll have a few polls incoming.

First the GOTM poll. The never drawn before Warcraft girls!. I will be posting it in the next days.

Then, the Special Theme poll halfway through the month as usual.

An, the GOTM Theme poll for November at the end.

Maybe a Tabatha poll, we'll see.

- More

I neglected the site project, really need to talk with some services about that, so I will be working on that early on the month as well. This is part of why I'm not compromising with some of the stuff above. 

I'll keep you updated with any plans and extras that come up during the month.

Remember you can find all my stuff and follow me in social media here  https://allmylinks.com/aramyx


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