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So, you may remember my picture of Azshara, is the one that basically kickstarted my patreon.

I renewed it in 2020, though it was my first remake/renewal so it wasn't as well done as the modern ones. Also I treated it as what I used to call remixes so it barely had 5 versions total. 

So now I treated it as a full remake, further working some errors from the 2020 version as well as once again going for the chibi alliance / horde versions that were the main idea for this pic on the first place. Witha completely new angle/storyline here.

Tandred Proudmoore and Lor'Themar join the fun here.

As, the last pic of November and a full remake this will have its own complete pack of versions, with the new modern storyline/point of the story and other lewd stuff that will be given as rewards for tier 3+ as usual.


So you may have realized that I've been retouching/remaking my Warcraft Hotties collection as of late.

That's because I made none this entire year but in December the 12th one is finally coming. However, for that I want all of them to be up to date, y'all know I have a thing for the number 12 after all.

Speaking of, the Girls so far are

Warcraft Hotties Nº1: Azshara

Warcraft Hotties Nº2: Whitemane

Warcraft Hotties Nº3: Tyrande

Warcraft Hotties Nº4: Valeera

Warcraft Hotties Nº5: Mylune

Warcraft Hotties Nº6: Ishanah

Warcraft Hotties Nº7: Katherine the Pure

Warcraft Hotties Nº8: Alexstrasza

Warcraft Hotties Nº9: Jaina

Warcraft Hotties Nº10: The Winter Queen

Warcraft Hotties Nº11: Alleria

The emboldened ones are the ones that have not yet been remade/renewed (The Winter Queen and Alleria weren't either but those are within modern standards). While the rest are now all up to date.

So there's 4 to go, and 4 remakes would be too much for next month.

So what we'll do is this.

The December GOTM will be warcraft themed as that won the poll, and this will be the 12th Warcraft hottie in the collection. 

The option will be decided between 5 warcraft lore girls I've never drawn.

If you have any suggestions feel free to post them here.

With that, the final GOTM will of course be patreon/SubscribeStar exclusive for at least a month, meanwhile I'll be making the rest of the remakes. Maybe 2 in december and 2 in January.

With that stablished, hope you enjoyed this spin on my classic Azshara pic!

As with every renewal, I'm attaching the OG at the end for gun.



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