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I've been dumping these into the discord, but here's some snapshots for people who don't hang out there. I've been mostly doing more 3D's lately and the to-do list is nearing completion. I learned a LOT of useful stuff about making 3D clothing in the process. 

Also included a normal map cheat-sheet I made that someone might find useful if they need to do manual touch-ups \o^o/ Basically a color guide for 'what color goes here for this type of curved angle?'  ..It helps when normal maps don't bake properly. Speaking of, I also learned there was a better way to bake them XP like yesterday. oof! Imagine, doing things the hard way for almost 2 years because all your lessons came from random unrelated youtube videos évè7 haha




Very nice job on this one, I wish I had the skill (and the patience) to do this sort of work ^_^


Can't wait to see do some own ocs in 3d!