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Hello! o^o/ It's been a while since I've made one of these, so here's some foresight on what to see in the next few months.

- Still working on current Tammy 3D Model. It's got its primary functions done and it's operational, all that's left are finishing several more outfits. It's been educational too, in an "OH NO OH NO HOW DO I FIX THIS ERROR OH--oh wait it works now thank god hooray" way that also helps me work more efficiently in that I keep learning more of what not to do to avoid breaking stuff :U Future avatars will be somewhat smaller in scale in that they can be done in (ideally less than) 2 months. There were some VERY NICE CHARACTERS SUBMITTED this auction and I'm sure they'd be fun to work on.

- Personal works: More of Jenifer's comic, possibly start animating something with Tevy that's been floating in my brain forever

- September is Snektember. Snake themed auctions abouuund. 

- HALLOWEEEEEEN. There'll be a post after in September after Snektember's done (given how long it takes to complete them, I'd like to give myself an early start so they'd all be done BY halloween.) I'll be doing 10 colored scribbles, some my favorites of which may be animated instead—similar to last Bunniversary's results. Also expect Gery to throw some Halloween parties for a couple of days.

Thanks for reading!


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