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Hello again o^o/ Somewhat of a news post, I'll keep it pinpointed and brief if possible, the most important stuff everyone should be aware of is in the Site Stuff category.

Site Stuff
Please notify me if you ever need to change your username, or if it happens to change automatically for whatever reason. Some of the stuff I use to record points is done manually. I adjust this myself when I notice it, but a heads-up would be appreciated o^o/
Also, as another reminder, the Discord Channel has 2 special roles for people who would like to be notified via Discord when...
A) A new auction has gone live
B) When avatar testing is needed and points will be awarded to participants
If you'd like to have these roles assigned to you, ask in the General channel or send me a message.
Speaking of avatar testing...
  • VRC Goodra's Done

...At least I'm pretty sure! Yaaay~ The render above was done with an higher-definition subdivided model, but as far as I can tell the VRC stuff is complete. I will need to see some people test it out to make sure all of its features are working properly since what I see locally isn't necessarily how it behaves. A checklist of what to do will be made for the test room, but it's more or less asking for "mess around with the avatar and its features for a bit".

Test sessions shouldn't take more than about maybe 5 minutes and all participants will be awarded 3 Calico Rewards Points for their time. After that it'll be posted to the Megalands Arena for public use. Testing ends after this Sunday 5/29. If you'd like to schedule a test session, please message me here or via discord.

  • Next?

I'd like to do another page or two of Jen's comic before doing anything else, it's been too long, busybusy o^o But in June (following updating the points spreadsheet and doing the standard a points-only auction for a colored sketch) I'll be auctioning off a VRC avatar as a 'large auctionable', meaning it will be a project to work on alongside other projects, with a 1-2 month ETA for completion depending on complexity. For those of you who are into avatars, I would like some input regarding what people are mostly interested in, but the barest-of-bones avatar would come with 1-on-1 testing, a set of emotes, a unity package to make installation super easy, and 3 repair tokens (each used for ~1-2 hours worth of worth of work to fix anything that wasn't caught in prior usage/testing attempts) 

Going forward, I'll likely pingpong between "Animation" and "3D Avatar model" auctions for bigger-prize-auctions, keeping with the previous limitations of only having one in the works at all times in order to keep a queue low and managable. 

Also up for consideration is splitting Bunniversary/Halloween into 4, quarterly, including January and July. Each would contain 5 scribbles and 1 animation like the ones I've done this round for Bunniversary.

That's all for now, thank you very much for reading ovo/




Is the blender version available or do I need a higher tier?