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  • goodratummyabsorb.mp4



Bunniversary #10 goes to Goldpikmin, and it's sorta-animated goodra tummy absorption, with someone trying very hard to escape through the same way they were squished inside... somehow much harder to do for some reason.

I'll have to record a video version for this in the morning, some effects (and uncaptured frames...?) were seemingly cut. REALLY gotta stop using flash for these, the file corrupted several times.

Favorite #4, aaaaand that's the last of these! \o^o/

Video version has been attached to this post. It's way too big for discord but looks nicer than this with fewer artifacts :S




You cannot IMAGINE how much I wanted her tail to come up and squish them when they started really pushing. I was certain the hands would do it, but NOPE that's LOVELY AND GOOD I actually exclaimed in real life.


This is really nice :3 I love how she just mashes him back down with a casual press of her tail~

George Foss

Can you please make it with more struggling pray instead