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A few tweeks and changes here and there, but I THINK he's finally all done D:! There'll be a test run/bugfinding session tomorrow night at 9PM EST. A link to the test room in VRC will be posted here and in the discord. Attendees will be asked to play around with him for a few minutes and try out all his things. Try breaking it so that I can cry myself to sleep about how nothing ever works out right until somehow accidentally solving the problem sometime later if I'm lucky <:Dc 

...Also all attendees receive +1 Calico Rewards Point. You do not need VR to test it out, witnessing usage from desktop mode users is helpful too. Full Body Tracking straight up won't work though since he's too not-human-shaped for that but all Desktop/Standard-Headset should be ok.



Ronin F

I am upset that work prevents me from witnessing these test sessions but I hope you pull some useful data.