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Hello again o^o/

This month was a bit of a test to see how well and/or how quickly I would be able to handle doing multiple auctioned pieces as well as balancing with real world obligations and personal projects. I'm happy to say "rather comfortably", with much thanks to this month's winners. With all 8 slots cleared there'll be 4 slots up for auction in August, each being an additional slot of the most-wanted auctions to date—Vore Belly, Balloons/Inflation-Stuff, Fats, and OC-Crossover—with the initial auction of the 4 being points-only and the winner being able to choose which of the 4 they wish to have before the remaining 3 are up for sale as Points/Cash auctions. There'll also be some changes to rules regarding bidding, which limit bids to people who have at least 1 point in their balance. This limits bidding to patrons and also means each patron can only win 1 slot per month.

Nearly finished putting together the Bomberman Louie VRC avatar. Like MechaDragon, this avatar will be open to the public, and given that things didn't go horribly wrong with the last release the avatar world location will also be posted publicly (still as a private world in VRC.) Those who have participated in testing so far should already have access to this avatar as it's being built. It should be finished within a few days,  with a final test session being held sometime this week. Any patron who shows up for testing will receive a point just for playing around with its features for a few minutes, and you do not need a VR headset to participate. Video of progress with this and various animations have been posted to the discord server.

Lastly... real life has been an ongoing war. I've been trying see if I can make doing what I do a replacement for rotting in an office for a full time job, and it's something that's disagreeable with family as they don't/won't consider drawing-for-money as 'working' as they are old and do not understand how any of this works, but I'm nonetheless subject to their opinions of how to live... Sustainability living alone would be sort of questionable at present, but on the other hand what I'm doing also seems to be working as patronage has doubled since last year and steadily increases each month. I'd hate to have to return to a 9 to 5 and go back to burnt out walking-corpse status but if I don't I'm no longer welcome at home anymore, which... is pretty much why I *haven't* tried art for a living until recently. I wasted too much of my life on stressful unfulfilling jobs for not-enough-earnings-to-gtfo-anyway, so I just can't concede to going back to failing at doing what they want just to keep the peace anymore. As such I'll be keeping several slots open each month for auctions as part of an ongoing quest for independence. 

I have other options or ideas in mind as well, such as making comics or VRC avatars for sale, discountable to patrons through points. So I'm doing a survey to get a feel on what the current base would think about possible changes, so input via survey and/or comments would be appreciated. It's ok to pick several or any of them, even the last one—I try to stay grounded in the real world where food, rent, insurance, utilities and just about every surprise disaster costs a considerable amount of money.

Thank you o^o/



Comics would be awesome