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I love you all so much, and I hope I didn't make you worry or sad, I just have been in a bit of a mental health low and I wanted to share and maybe make sure you don't feel alone. I love you all so very much. Thank you for all you do, thank you for being kind to me and being there when nobody else was. I appreciate you all deeply! Thank you for everything!! ; ~ ; 



Oh my gosh I love hearing your regular voice 😩❤️ hope you are well lovely lady !!

Cassie uchiha

awwww tysm i need this it touch my heart ❤️


The big dump of content is really exciting and I thank you for it! Do make sure to take care of yourself though and I hope that all is well for you in the future! ❤


Cece! Don't even have to listen to it to know I will feel so much better by the end of it, we love you so much and I'm so thankful for you existing and caring and for your hard work 💖

Kitty Santiago

We are thankful for you and all that you do. Please be kind to yourself as well. We support you even in your toughest times because we love you and how much heart and time you put into your craft to make us happy. Please lean on us too, love. We are always here ❤️

Tsukki's Pipsqueak

We appreciate you too Cece! Hope the move is going well and you are getting settled in okay.


really needed to hear this, thank you for being you honestly! i love you big much <3 we’ll always be here for you!

Ω Ä§å Ω

We love you 💗💗💗


Sending you so much love!! You’re a sweetheart and are worthy of love and beautiful things


Awee. Girl you deserve so much.😭😭 Were owes here for you. Just know your not alone and that we are proud of you and how amazing your doing and how strong you are and don't ever think that your not good enough!!! Because you are enough!!!!!Your amazing and wonderful!!!! There owes gonna be someone who is gonna be rude and be hurtful. And thats sadly life! But just focus on us! Focus on the good. And you are doing such amazing job of being strong!!


You are amazing, your work is amazing. I don't even know how to sleep without comfort corner anymore, it helps me so much.

Sky Parra

Cece, I think I can say on behalf of this entire community that we love you just as much as you love us. You’ve created such an amazing community around here and I’m so thankful for it. One thing I wanted to say is yes you do a great job at staying strong like you said, but what’s even stronger is showing that you have weak moments as well. It’s amazing that you can open up like this and I hope that we can encourage you as a community the same way you help us. We all understand that it gets hard, and we want what’s best for you over anything else. You brought us all together 💜 I normally don’t comment things on social media due to anxiety, but here… here I feel at home and that’s all thanks to you 💜 you never disappoint us so don’t worry about it. We love you


Cece, my English is super bad (cause I’m french) so I can’t even express how much your audios have been helping me for almost 2 years now since I find your channel ❤️❤️❤️ Just remember you have a loving community who’s gonna support you. Thank you so much again because you also saved my life a certain way


love you cece ! take care of yourself <33


You are absolutely wonderful and so lovely 🥰 we love you so so much for everything that you do 💕 please take care darling. You deserve the absolute best 💕


love you cece❤❤!! make sure to take care of yourself and drink water!


Oh you🥺. Love you very much💕💕 to the moon and back. Always here for you and remember that you are very loved by many others as well. Oh you have no idea how loved you are. I just want to bundle you up with a fuzzy blanky, hug you, pat your head and tell you how fucking amazing you are. You deserve the best in the world. And dont ever feel the need to apologize for feeling or just being you. Its who you are and thats what makes you so damn special. Youre human. Youve done so much building this community and here we are being loving and caring to one another. Also making new friends on here as well. If theres moments where you want to take a break, take it. I know how much you want to keep going but your health matters. If you just want to make audios of you yourself talking about anything sometimes, do it. Its heartwarming to get audios from you yourself because its just you being you. As always, we are here. We will listen. Love you💕💕 And girl, ive said this before, youve just moved. It takes time to settle in. Take your time. I know you want to do so much but go at a steady pace. Gah damn it. I keep coming back to my post because I just want to attack you with love but damn it, you fucking matter so damn much. And to anyone who reads this as well. You all fucking matter! Yes I'm talking about you! Keep going! Im rooting for every single one of you! Youre not alone!💕💕💕💕💕

Tatiana Turner

Sending you lots of positive energy and love. 💜💜💜

Earth Bomb

Hunny you should proud of the person you are today. <3 your battles for whatever you go threw, you don't have to fight them alone. We all love you endlessly and depression can be a bitch and a half to deal with! Never give up on yourself, you're a jem in this world, and never forget to shine in the darkest of places (total lord of the rings reference, but I hope you smiled from it.)


Love you so much Cece. Just like you say we saved you, you've saved and helped many of us, myself included. Rest and relax sweetie. Drink some warm tea and snuggle up. Take care of yourself, please. Your health (both mental and physical) comes first. We'll be here. 💗💗


Thank you so much for giving us your love and effort, it doesn’t go unnoticed or unloved . It’s easy to lose yourself in auch a wretched world with so many people in it that wish the worst to people. I’m glad to hear you keep your heart no matter what. It’s not easy to do that. It’s not easy to keep trust after being backstabbed and betrayed . But we love and want the best for you. So please please take care of yourself and love yourself as much as you love us . 💕 you mean the world to so many including myself. You’re a beautiful person with a beautiful heart and soul. I promise your efforts don’t go unseen. Love you Cece ❤️


Your audios are always soo full of love and care that you want to express for us❤️❤️. I hope that our comments and feelings for how much you mean to us continue to uplift you ☺️. Drink some tea though and rest your voice! Taking care of yourself first allows you to reach those precious goals!❤️❤️

Namjoon sold my jams for 3 dollars

I wish I could put into words how much your audios and you mean to me becoming your Patreon is the best thing I’ve ever done and taking care of your mental health is really important I hope you’re doing well❤️


Thank you for all your hard work today. I really appreciate your efforts in always giving us your best. Don't take a small break, take a big break! From what I've seen in the comments, this community really cares about your mental health. I love to see how people give you their love from the heart. You're THAT amazing. Making people all over the world love you! But, yeah, go do your thing. I hope you can get the rest you deserve. (Sorry about everything, you shouldn't have to go through all that) ✋🏻


Cece sweetheart you are so loved by many here in your community... And its very valid and very understandable to be on a mental low from time to time and I applaud you for being so strong and keep on going on providing audio contents.. But just remember to take care and always always know that you are so loved.. thankyou for being here with us ❤️


First off- Thank you. Thank you for being you. Thank you for being amazing. I can’t even explain how much you mean to me. I know this is something everyone says and it’s repeated a lot. I also know we definitely don’t know each other and that I only know you from the content you post and from what was on your other socials-But I think you’re amazing and if you ever need a random stranger to just word vomit to, my door is always open. You seem like one of the most amazing people to know, to be honored to know. I wish to you everything you’ve been working hard for and wanted in life. Because you deserve it. Please take care of yourself first. If needed and possible, drop everything take a vacation for YOU time. Forget about us. Forget about the world for as long as you can. Then come back to us -if you want. We’ll always be here for you. Everyone else. All the negatives can go —— themselves. Everything you do for us doesn’t go unnoticed or unloved. It’s really easy to drop who you are and put on a mask, especially when so many people are negative towards their true self’sand others. You’re amazing to still be the being you are after what has happened. Thank you for the content and blessing us with your true voice-though hearing how sad you are breaks my heart cause i can’t help you. Sending you all the love and hugs I can. ♥️🖤🧡♥️🖤🧡 Take care Sweets and relax. You mean the most to us. We are here for you. 🖤🧡♥️🖤🧡♥️🖤🧡♥️🖤🧡♥️ 🖤🧡♥️Love you Sweet Cece. 🖤🧡♥️

Yep Yep

You never, ever have to apologize for how you feel, Cece, and I mean it. How you feel is so important, it's real. You will always have our love and support - and I hope I'm not coming across as pushy with saying that, especially after all you've endured. You don't have to be sorry for going through lows or taking emotional hits, no one does. We're human, we feel. I can only imagine how nerve wracking it can be sometimes for you to open up and let us know, but I absolutely appreciate it, because I know what a terrifying first step that can be. It gives us a chance to try to be there for you however we can, so you know you're not alone, even if we're words on a screen or voices in Discord. You have brought so much positivity to countless, but I hope we can be a that kind of source for you, whenever you need us. The community you've brought together isn't a one way street healing from you alone. So many of us want to drive that love, feeling of safety and happiness right back towards you. I take full responsibility for being a sappy bugger, but you know you're loved. Take all the rest you need <3 And as I'm typing this, one of our fluffs is meowing and tapping his paw on the edge of my computer - he is sending kitty boops your way! ❤️!!All the love and hugs!!❤️


I understand your struggles, I've also been back stabbed by those who called themselves my friends. I've been ruined by rumors created by others and didn't ask for my side of the story. I've been exiled from the community that I told I finally belonged to. But I've learn to realized that it's not the end of the road. Life is more than what people see on the surface, even more than what we see ourself. There's so much about ourselves that we can learn about, just as much as all the knowledge in the world. So one thing I've learn to do whenever I'm stressed or sad, is one, take the time to breathe. We sometimes forget to breathe and it only heightens the emotion. And 2, think, if you see someone in the same situation, what would you do? Cause remember, you're a person too. I hope that this can somehow help you, but know that you're loved, no matter what. ❤


Love you Cece We appreciate you


I greatly appreciate this audio & would like for you to know that I am proud of how far you've come. I think you're doing amazing! And you've made so many of us not feel alone, scared, or sad thanks to your work/passion/you not giving up ☺ I've always thought of you as Galadriel's Phial from Lord of the Rings; a light that shines in dark places. You've brought so much light into my life that even though I have days where it's tough, it's not as scary/lonely anymore because of you :3 get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, and know that your feelings are 100% valid and you absolutely deserve all the great things in the world✨ I hope you have a good day/night as well 💛


I wish I could hug through a phone! We love you and always will be here! I admire the strength you show and how compassionate you are towards those who support you. 💛💛💛 Please rest up! We are more than willing to wait, you've earned a break!!


Take as long as you need, Queen. 😭💖 Take care of yourself please! It can be really hard to focus on yourself rather than others, esp for those of us more empathetic. But everyone deserves and is worthy of love and self-care. Take time to breathe. Take time to give yourself the hug we all wish we could give! I love you so much! Your audios have gotten me through a lot, and I'm so sorry about the things you've gone through. I'm genuinely so proud of you and how far you've come. You're stronger than you know 💕


You make me feel less alone in a world with 8 billion other people :,(


Cece I love ya hun!!! I wish I could let you know how much your videos have helped me out because of them I was able to open up to people again and I was able to make friends lol. Pls get some rest, take a breath. We are all here for you and we will wait for you when you are ready 😊 we all love you and want the best for you ❤


Ever since I started listening to your audios, I've had a much easier time pulling myself out of bad head spaces and emotional states. Your characters have made me so happy and feel so loved and I can only hope to give back to you even a fraction of the happiness you've given me. I hope you continue to feel even better as time goes on, and happy early birthday! 💖

Docile Doll

Girl your gunna make me cryyy, unfortunately I gotta discontinue my patreon membership for a while, and it makes me sad due to the fact that your audios have helped me so much but there is YouTube so I'll be alright until I can come back if I remember too. But please take care of yourself, your a wonderful person for caring so much about your community, please take time for yourself more often and don't feel bad, and may God bless you beyond all human abilities. This message goes for everyone else as well. You guys are never alone remember that, the world is a trying place but you got this!!!

Jennifer Love

You’re one of the most special and important people to ever exist. You are irreplaceable. You are the most beautiful light shining in the dark. Both travelers and bugs alike are drawn to you, but it is because you are that brilliant and wonderful. Thank you. I love you. ✨💛✨


You bout to make me cry....screw it I am crying😢 I just want to hug you and make the pain go away. I pray all your struggles to go away. Thank you 😊 for existing. Like Kirishima says no fake smiles..I want you to smile from your ❤️ ⚙️🦈


Cece I am sending you a big bear hug and wish I could be there to give you head pats Take care of yourself and rest and recover go at your own pace no need to rush or anything


Damn I love you, but Cece it's alright to be in pain everyone breaks sometime and that's not being weak that's just being human. You've always been there when I needed someone when no one else would, when I was to scared to voice my pain. Once I found you I've gotten better, you give comfort and a safe and calm space for me that I'm not used to and I couldn't thank you enough.❤


First of all I want to say THANK YOU 💖💖 for reaching out to us this way and telling us your recent thoughts and feelings. This really does help to build the love and trust between us and you. For me as well it also is a comfort to know how you are. I definitely 100% agree with the choice of making more audios such as this one. Knowing how you are really does brighten up my day, even if you are feeling unwell at that time, it's definitely better to talk it out and connect with us as your community. In a way it's kind of looking out for a friend and seeing how they're doing. So I'm glad you did decide to do this and, if you want, continue to. You do bring a smile to us, personally I say not just through your audios but also just you. We are able to see your genuineness of how much you care about us and your passion with your audios. Especially with all the hardships that you've been/going through, you still manage to put out content for us and we absolutely appreciate it. I'm seriously glad and thankful that you are staying strong for not only yourself but for us as well. I'm happy we bring such joy into your world because you do the same for us as well. For me, I found you through your audios on YouTube and really fell in love with your work. But as time went on and I subscribed to your patreon, I not only got access to your longer audios but to you as well. I started to really care about you, how you were doing and that's got me here where I am today still here 6 months later 🤣🤣. I dont just love your audios, but you as a person, like how you care and love us. I would write more but I should leave it at tha, sorry if this got a bit personal 😅, feels a bit weird tbh since I never do this 🤣. But we just want you to know that you will make it, you will continue to grow stronger and that your community will always be here to support and love you. Stay happy and healthy love 💖💖


I swear I love you make sure to take care of yourself please you really helped me out of some difficult times ❤️💕


I’m literally obsessed with you🌕✨; you are such a talented individual, and I wish I could really get to know you personally (never used discord before but maybe it’s worth a shot 💫). This felt like a little piece of your heart and mind, and I appreciate it so much. You really should do it more, if your comfortable doing so. Please take as much time as you need for yourself— whether it’s for your mental health, resting your voice, for burnout/personal things— Your community will be right here, earnestly waiting to welcome you back. ✨ We are so grateful for all you do! You seem like such a kind soul, honestly. I could never understand how someone could want to ignite heartache in you. You don’t deserve any of the hate you get. Sending love from your admirer 💛✨


Can I just say that I’ve been silently manifesting and hoping for you to do a natural voice audio? You’re an amazing person and I know how much you put yourself through to make the audios for all of us so I was hoping you would do one of yourself and look! My goodness, I’m sorry you’ve been going through it. Please know that everyone here loves and supports you! Take care of yourself and take a breather if need be ok?? Thank you for this audio ❤️❤️✨


Honey we love you and I don’t think you’ll ever understand how much you’re audios help me or make me feel better. You are inspiring and I appreciate you.

Yuka Saki


Sora Yukai

Oh, no! 😭🥺 Don't be sad, Cece! If you allow me, I would love to send you lots of hugs 🐻 You are one of the most loving and caring people I know. You don't have to justify yourself! Making sure you are safe is top priority. Please, don't overwork yourself. Take time to do some self-care. Thank you for all you have done for us! I really treasure and take your words of encouragement and comfort to heart! I hope we can give you some love back with our messages as well. 💕


Oh Cece. This was so sweet to hear a comfort from you. I really wish I could see you face to face and be the person to tell you that you are doing a good job. You'll never fight alone or be alone. You'll always have us to be there for you. I love you so much and I'm so glad you came into my life when you did. Stay safe and don't ever think you're not doing enough for us. You do more than enough plus more. ❤❤❤


You blessed us with so much today! 🙏🏻 I hope you e been enjoying your new space, take as much time as you need to settle in! Moving can be rough at the best of times


Thank you for this, you are so sweet 💖


We all love you so much and you are absolutely valid and a beautiful person. Thank you for being so open with us and being so strong!


I think the reason why your characters are so beloved to many of us says a lot about you as a person. I feel the love and compassion speak through them and that wouldn’t happen if you hadn’t breathed it into them. Thank you for sharing a bit of yourself with us tonight and in the rest of your work. I hope you feel encouraged to always be yourself, because it’s beautiful 💕


No, thank you, thank you, thank you ! So much!! We all love you and you as yourself is the best. I wish for you keep growing and learning however you want 😌💞 if you need a rest, take one 😊


Okay, I wrote this message before and I don't know if it got deleted or something but imma write it again. Also, I know this is easier to say than to execute, but the bullies and trolls they are irrelevant and shouldn't be thought about. They are fueled by hate and don't care about the truth and instead choose to hate on people. Or they are sheep who are unable to speak their own opinions and just follow the flock. Which is completely unfair to those who are affected by the hate. There are minors who do this as well and shouldn't be taken seriously. It is sad that the internet influences the young in this way, but we cannot control other people's actions. As insufferable as it is. Back to my original point 😂. Cece, please don't take that type of behaviour to heart, that may be insensitive for me to say and I apologize if it is, but don't put yourself down because of what they say. Don't think that what they say about you is true AT ALL, because it isn't. You're an amazing person who deserves love and care. You are seriously so strong for staying on the internet after all the bullying. You've sticked around and continued to do audios for your community and continued to work on your passions. You are still here interacting with us and providing content. I had found you after everything that happened and if you had left, I wouldn't have you in my life and you've brought me so much happiness. So thank you for staying Cece 💖💖 I just wanted to say this as well as this was a point i missed in my last message. Stay happy and healthy 💖💖


ALRIGHT.... WHO DID IT?!? POINT'EM OUT!!!! IM READY TO FIGHT ANYBODY WHOS TRYING TO CRUSH THIS SWEET SOUL! You have helped so many people in ways these haters will never know about! Don't let their shade dim your ✨shine✨ Pls understand people will talk about you until the day you die... it doesn't matter what they call you it's what you answer to. We all have "rainy days" and that's okay! Just remember that rain can make things grow! There's nothing wrong with the way you're feeling as long as you don't let it keep you there. never forget you are loved and appreciated! Now hold your head up Queen your crown is slipping👑.


Yay! I missed the natural voice entries! Also, *virtual hug * you don’t have to apologize for a single thing. We can only do the best we can and you’ve been doing amazingly for years now (years, girl!!) I can’t imagine how hard the low moments are, especially after everything, but know we don’t think of you any less. Plus, you always take care of us when we’re feeling low, it’s only fair we be here for you too. Also, those awful people? F— them. They don’t matter and they know it. There’s so much hatred in the world right now, it’s practically everywhere, and a lot of us come to you to make it through the day. You deserve your comfort too. If what you need is time and self care, know we’re here cheering you on, no matter what.


My heart hurts for you… i hope you get a silver lining soon. There are thousands standing behind you and are here for you. I know typed words can only do so much, but i wish good things upon you, and want nothing but happiness for you in your future ♥️ ♥️ ♥️


Cece, you are one of the most sincere and emphatic people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. You put so much time and work into your craft and have not only inspired me, but thousands of others with your honest words and comfort. You deserve all the good in the world, and hearing you speak from your heart makes me want to give you the biggest hug (not even one minute in, and I'm already tearing up). Please never apologize for how you feel! We all have our off days, and honestly, it's ok to not be ok ♥️ Also when you mentioned that your voice was tired, know that you've been through a lot this past week with moving into your new home, and I know it's a big suck on both your mental and physical well-being, but always remember that YOU, yes, YOU, come first before anything, and it's ok to take a break and focus on yourself. We'll always be here for you, ok? 💕 Thank you again for everything that you do, and for always being so raw, personal, and honest with all of us. Thank you for inspiring me and thousands of others with your talents. Lastly, thank you for being YOU 💖


Also I should also mention that while it's easier said than done, don't take what a bunch of haters and trolls (especially on Twitter where it's bunch of antis/minors saying the same stuff over and over) to heart. They're just full of misunderstanding and hate in their heart that they don't want to bother hearing the truth, and it hurts. The best you can do to fight them off is to not give them your time. Honestly, you've been very brave dealing with all this hate and drama, and have never shown a shred of malice towards them, which is what I've unfortunately seen in a lot of content creators (coughKINGAKIRA/AKIRADUBScough). I hope you are able to find happiness and solitude in your new place, and also online, which now I've been seeing that people are finally starting to realize that all the drama with you is all fake (and was created by those backstabbing "friends" that you've mentioned). You're very strong, keep fighting for your happiness ♥️


I’m sending you a virtual hug (>’-‘)> I would say more but it has already been said by all these other awesome people in the comments 😎🙌 It’s okay to feel down and let the emotions out. Take as many breaks as you need♥️ We all love you very mucho!

Cheryl Wilson

Thank You so much! You make smile everyday! The only thing that could make me happier is for you to be happy and smiling too! Please never hesitate to lean on us in the community bcuz I promise you for every one person that betrays you or makes you sad there are at least 10 people in this community that you have created that will catch you, lift you up, shield and protect you! Thank you for everything, ttyl 🌙🌈🌬


😭😭😭 dude her voice is like an angel from heaven Istg. This just made my day.. thank you, but I can’t be happy and smiling if you aren’t as well.. everyone who is a Patreon you deserve. You got them to spend money to listen to you!! You’re amazing and the people in this community with be there to help you when you fall down! Thank you, have a good day, evening, or night!


Hey Cece I’m sending you hugs and love. You’ll fight through these tough times. You are strong and beautiful. Everyone here is strong and beautiful we love you. We’re here for you. I’ve been through a lot in the past few months but you’ve helped me get through a lot of the bad things that’s been happening over this past year. As a kid and growing up watching movies, one of my favorite movies was called Friday and John Witherspoon, rip is beautiful soul, said “You win some,you loose some. But you live to fight another day.” And ever since then it stuck with me. Now I’m 22 and struggling but still I find the things that bring me joy and happiness. I always say to myself too is that friends come and go but you even though you’re fighting your own demons you are your own bestie. Don’t pay any mind to what anyone has to say about you. It’s easier said than done I know but you’ll get through it. Everything will be okay. Just focus on you and your mental health because mental health breaks are good take as long as you need and when you get back we’re still here supporting you. Take care of yourself and drink lots of tea and water to relax or even some coffee if you’re feeling energetic lol but…chin up okay?💜💜💜 we love you. Hang in there you got this.


Sending good vibes! You’re the bomb don’t let the haters get you down. 🥰


Crece you are an awesome human and we all appreciate you and your hard work. Stay strong!!!


Cece, we love you and thank you so much for everything you do. 🥰


Aww cece we love you!! Don’t forget to take care of yourself too oki 💖


I felt so alone and depressed today. You have no idea how much this meant to me.

☆☆ ひまわり☆☆

We are always going to be there for you no matter how low you’re feeling! We love you so much and think of us as your family. I know our brains can be mean to us sometimes but that’s why we have others in our corner. I for one will always be there for anyone that needs it! No one deserves to hate themselves or feel less than their worth. You guys are all gems. Cece we love you lots! Xoxo~


Oh Cece.... we love you so so so much. Dont forget that you're a person too... that youre important too. Always. You ARE good enough. YOURE THE BESTEST EVER. You grace everyone you meet with your presence. You grace us with your love and compassion. (And your voice) Keep going... the battle is worth winning the war. We love you so much! Take care of yourself. LOVE YOU CECE! <3 <3 <3


Thank you so much for existing as well Cece. I needed to hear these kind words so much right now. You have saved my life as well. Your comfort audios are almost a part of my daily life. I lost my mom two years ago and last year, I found your audios in a time that was very intense and dark when I wanted to give up. Thank you for all you do, and take care of yourself first and foremost. We love you and appreciate all you do ❤❤❤❤❤❤

Game Girl Mary

Ow my dear cece please don’t cry cause your making me cry don’t let hate get the best of you love will always triumph over any negative thing that comes your way your more stronger then you realise you don’t understand how incredible beautiful talented person you are people that hate are only jealous that they can’t be as amazing as you are never ever apologise for your feelings your feelings are valid and so important and much as we all love the audios we love the person behind the screen that puts her heart her passion her confident her love into everything just for us how could we not ever love you with are whole hearts unique people are rare to find in this world don’t you feel special knowing you you are that outstanding to us you’ve been through so much pain in your heart due to the cruelty of this world but as long as there is one good person that turns are sad faces into pure sunshine though just your kind and heart filled words I know never to give up even if there are days when we all feel like falling listening to you put your heart into everything just for us makes me want to keep going despite everything CECE YOU DESERVE MORE THEN THIS WORLD COULD EVER GIVE YOU I may not have much to give in person but I’ll give you all my love my hugs my comfort my trust and all the support I can give cause you deserve all the love NEVER LOSE HEART CAUSE YOU ARE BETTER THEN THAT YOU’VE SHOWN US THAT PLEASE KEEP MOVING PLEASE and if you need time for yourself as we all have been nagging you to 😂 it’s ok don’t feel guilty or bad go ahead your health and well-being are the top priority especially in these cold times stay warm and cozy spend your time with good hearted people that will bring your mood up not down eat yummy food and drink lots of water or any other yummy drinks (mines hot chocolate☺️) it’s ok to take the time for you it’s ok we will all be waiting right here till you feel like you can come back to us with even more ideas and amazing stories thank you for the new audios today but let yourself unwind and be happy with things you love just like we love you please take care of yourself so much love from me……..ps im hugging my phone if you hug yours to I hope you can feel my hug too love you cece so so much ❤️☺️

Trinity Robinson

P.s. I will always admire you. You are the one person that I couldn't hate. Keep smiling and loving what you do. There is nothing in this world that could make me happy in my darkest days when I listen to your audios and reading how much you love doing this. Keep doing your best. From your supporter for life.


I feel like we all need a hug right now, anyone that sees this comment remember. Your doing your best and that's more then good enough, it dosen't matter what people around you say. You are good enough, your doing great. And big hugs to you because you deserve it❤


We love you Cece! 💕 And always will! Sending positive vibes your way.


You are such a blessing, i can’t emphasise that ✨enough✨ you were there for me when no one else was, you helped me through my lowest ❤️❤️ just know that everyone here is STILL here because of you. Thank you Cece- thank you for helping me heal~ Take however long you need, you deserve the world 🤧 WE LOVE YOU CECE ❤️❤️


Sending my love and hugs to you, were here to support you as much as you do for us. Don't forget to give yourself a break, keep yourself well, we want you to. Enjoy your new place, don't forget to have a little fun for yourself. Thank you 🤗 for being you.


You matter too hun, your totally right, i love the community it makes me feel super warm and fuzzy. Burrito blanket snuggles all around 🥰


Everything with be okay, CeCe!

Shrike Zany

Thank you for sharing.💕 There are times like these and it is ok to acknowledge how you feel. It is also important to remember this is not a permanent state, things change and so will your feelings. That is what life is about; walking on, one step at the time. You are just currently caught in a rainy patch and that is ok too, there is time for rain and time for sun. We all go through the rough patches, they make us appreciate the good things even more. Like, when you come back, even just to say 'hi' after a break, we are again reminded just how precious you are to us ☺️ Please put yourself first, be gentle with yourself and love yourself (at least as much as we love you 🥰), everything else will fall into place.


I joined your Patreon at the beginning of college. You do come across as someone who doesn't ask for a lot in life. Don't let the antis of the internet break your spirit down. It's okay to not feel okay and let it out. Remember to always focus on self-care as well. Don't push yourself over the limit for others. Take good care of yourself CeCe, you will always have my support. Journaling helps with coping your every day life. I do it as well. Really takes the weights off your shoulders. Have a great day and be sure to drink water and eat. You don't wanna get a fever☺


Ok I cried. My goodness Cece, there are always people who care for you. Like I wish I could just give you a big ol hug because I can hear it in your voice that you are breaking. I'm not sure how long ago it was that I joined your Patreon, but ever since I did, it's helped me cope with a lot of things and trauma I've been going through and still am. And we as your Patreons will love and always support you. Please know that even though you may never see us in person or maybe you have, but we will support you completely. Take as much time as you need help yourself get better.

Claire A

Please take care of yourself!! You are cared about and loved!


Love you so much I feel you my mental has been shit tbh its so hard but just remember we love you and look how far you've come with believing in yourself and reaching your goals.


You got to remember people that harrass you and make those rumors up only see you they don't know YOU in rl that's why they're so harsh and judgmental I'm a social media influencer too and my mom told me that when I was getting bullied. They don't know the great person you really are. We see your light and your goofy generous soul. That's why we're still here. Your allowed to be vulnerable ❤❤ you're human don't be too hard on you and don't be afraid to put yourself first. Take care of yourself Cece❤


Okay I'm sorry I'm back here again, but about the live streams. If you are comfortable with doing lives, personally I wouldn't mind if you did a stream without the voices because it can be tiring to do them for such a long time. At the same time I know there will be people who would demand/want to hear them. But I also know there will be others who are part of the community who will be understanding about it and will watch just to hang out with you 😊😊💖💖.


You’re the only person who gives me hope, even when you feel hopeless and afraid. I’ve felt those things for so long, and you’re the only one who makes me feel less lost and alone. You’ve been through so much pain, and I know it really does take so many slow, tiny baby steps forward and baby steps back, to learn how to breathe again. And I think how slow recovery is is a big part of what makes it so difficult, because it makes us afraid that we’ll never feel free again. But I know that you will, because I’ve slowly learned that every tiny baby step toward feeling okay is also a tiny baby step towards feeling free. You’re so much more than good enough <3


Definitely feel you on being an empathetic person. You're doing amazing! We all go through negative bs online and real life, it sucks and there's only so much of it you can take before it starts hitting you hard mentally and that's where you gotta take a step back, take time for yourself, health and wellbeing. Focus on your goal and know you don't deserve to deal with the bs, you're just doing you, make clear boundaries for your sake especially 😊 you'll be fine and I hope you have a positive support group of peeps around you in real life. 💕


You are so kind and so generous with people we love you also be strong and take care of yourself Cece we are here to bring you all our support ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you, so much


Gods I missed your comfort corners. Thanks Cece :)


awwww i love u so much cece please get some good rest and make sure to take some time for yourself ok we always want what’s best for you and just know that you are so loved you have made such a beautiful community come to life because of your kindness and love thank you so much for always spoiling us i love your new audios btw muah i love uuuu ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you for such a beautiful audio! It was super comforting. Also, please let us know if you ever need someone to lean on when times get tough! We’re all here for you ❤️


I'm sorry that you're going through such a hard time! We all love you ❤


Awwww CeCe we love you so much 🥺💝 please take care of yourself first and foremost. I'm sorry people are so cruel, it's easy for bullies to talk smack behind a screen. Just know you've got thousands of loyal fans who don't believe a lick of what they say 🥰 we love you


Sending you love and snuggles and I hope you take those baby steps and know the support of all of us is right behind you each step of the way. We love you Cece. ❤️


I cried....Oh my Cece your going through so much keep fighting on your got this we will be here cheering you on your pain will go away quickly as long as we are around FIGHTING Get some rest and drinks lot of water!!! 😭😊💕💕💕❤❤❤

Amanda M

I'm glad you know that you don't have to go through this alone. We are here for you Cece. Also, Happy Ace week 🖤🤍💜


Oh gosh Cece, I wish we could all give you a hug! You’ve made such a positive difference to so many peoples’ lives and have so much to be proud of! Your comfort audios get me through the toughest of times and have helped me deal with what I was worrying was becoming an alcohol addiction. You don’t deserve a single bit of hate and instead every single bit of love. Be kind to yourself, you absolute sweetheart and do something you enjoy if possible 🥰 x

Melissa Gomez

Hi Cece! Thank you so much for being vulnerable to us. Please take your time getting back to normalcy- I’m doing the same. I think that’s why you’ve gathered such a empathetic community. Your words have helped me when I’m at my lowest, when I don’t want to simple exist. I wish we could give you a hug and give the same kind of support back! We are thankful for you!!!🤍

Dawn Cerenity

Would love to see you try impressions outside of anime like Joe Goldberg from You on Netflix. Very deep narrative voice

Sun Rai

I love you so much Cece ❤️❤️❤️


I just wanted to let you know you are so loved!! I know you d gone through something hard, but know you have so many people who are here for you. Thank you for being you and amazing!

Pet Dragon

Thank you so much for everything you do! It got to the point where i couldnt even leave my appartment for the better part of a year before i found your work. It helped me past so many hardships since and i hope you can have someone help you the way youve been there for so many of us Thanks again


Your help so much people , thank you ;) you're are good enough, you are beautiful ! Always think about that okay ?


we all care about you so much and you make our days, our lives so much better, but remember to take care of yourself first and foremost. you are the most important part of all this, we care about you more than anything. so take care of yourself <3

Spicy Noodles

This is so helpful. Today was definitely a sad girl day for me but this helps a lot 🖤

Hannah (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-03 01:43:57 You are so sweet. Love your encouragement and wonderful heart. Today was so hard... and I am listening to every comfort audio you have. Thank you for all you do. <3 you are truly a beautiful soul and we do not deserve you.
2022-07-21 17:45:25 You are so sweet. Love your encouragement and wonderful heart. Today was so hard... and I am listening to every comfort audio you have. Thank you for all you do. <3 you are truly a beautiful soul and we do not deserve you.

You are so sweet. Love your encouragement and wonderful heart. Today was so hard... and I am listening to every comfort audio you have. Thank you for all you do. <3 you are truly a beautiful soul and we do not deserve you.