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I have to apologize, some of my own experiences really came through this one and I got a bit lost in it, but I hope it can make you feel less alone. This goes out to everyone who struggles with bullying or hate, I hope you know you're not to blame, and that there is lots of good in the world and that you'll always have a place to come when you need it. I hope you will forever know you are loved and wanted even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes.



Kirinkatoki B-K

Oh nah😒who is messing with the poor baby?! 🥹🥹


I think its great that u put so much of yourself into these kinds of audios. It really makes the message more genuine. Don't work too hard and stay safe and healthy Cece 🥰🥰🥰🥰


4 audios in an hour- CeCe you spoil us. Please take care of yourself!


I dont usually listen to comfort ones but ill do it for Yuu and you Cece. You really work hard for us and I wish nothing but the best for you. Safe safe and remember to hydrate!❤❤❤

Quiet Loyalty

I personally feel like you have nothing to apologize for. Detoxing from your experiences thru your work is therapeutic and helpful. And if this has more of you than anything else you've released since everything, that's ok too. Making boundaries in your work as well as your work ethic is great and professionally progressive and positive which is awesome but then, you also use this artform for creative expression, and its only natural for that to find a place too. This subject; bullying, is really important to touch on and showing vulnerability doesnt translate to weakness. I'm glad that you made this and let us know that pieces of you exist in this performance, because the core of the message is the same for me as it is for you; you're not alone. Thank you.


Thank you 😭😭 Your too sweet. And you dont have to be sorry its ok


idk how everyone else is doing but i am now sobbing. cece, even if you put your own experiences in this, know we love you so much and we're always here for you. Yu always brought me so much joy so to hear your take on him and sounding like you were about to cry made me cry. please take care of yourself and know we're all rooting for you.


Noya-saaaaaan 💖💖


I honestly hope we can make you feel comforted and loved, just like the you do to us. You're really amazing and it's fricking unbelievable how many people you help everyday and how many you have helped. Thank you for existing! ❤️


Can you do a Madara Uchiha or Jiraiya video? Pretty please!

Yep Yep

Welp, I wasn't planning on crying today (in a good way), but. .Nishi cuddles TT^TT Yep, three lines in and waterworks <3 Negativity will never deserve to win and it will always be a good thing to get it off our chests, to be there for one another and just let it out. Cece, please don't apologize. It's often an important thing artists pour our souls and honesty out via our work. Anything you want to say, you are completely free to. Those bullies, trolls and whatnots that try to come at you, you're not alone in standing against them. We have one another's backs here. And as much as you've made this a home for so many people, I hope from the bottom of my heart, we make you feel that it's just as much your home, and we want to make you smile, too. ❤️All the love and hugs!❤️


Noya san!! My favorite boy! Thank you so much for all your hard work


This feels like a warm, wet hug that I need at my lowest point, so loving, tender and emotional. Thank you... I wish I could hug you irl, you got no idea how much your comfort audios saved me countless times


Cece could you do a comfort for the fear of being abandoned? With denki? I've had many people give up on me and it's become a constant fear. If anything this audio already really helped with that. You don't have to and I wanna say thank you again. I don't think I could be were I am now without you❤

Yuka Saki



Oh Cece, youre the fucking world. Know that you are not alone either. We are here for you. I send you a shit ton of hugs that collide on you like soft squishy pillows. Love you so much💕💕💕


Cece you are amazing I love the comfort corner it helps me with dealing with work. And mean people. This one made me cry so bad I was like balling like a baby! I love you keep on being amazing. Thank you for everything! I really needed this audio today too so thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️


Honestly I think it's amazing that you put your experiences into your audios. It helps bring the genuineness to the character, don't worry bout it 😊😊


Haikyuu is already my comfort anime, so comfort audios with Haikyuu characters is just top tier 🥰

Kayla Recob

Love your audios Cece. You're loved and appreciated by all of us here too. Take care of yourself.💕


This just makes me want some reverse comfort, where we're the ones helping the characters 🥰

Trinity Robinson

I just want to say that I love you CeCe. Don't mind those haters. They just want to hate because they are hating something that is wrong with them. Please smile for us all. I really admire to what you do. When I first listened to you I was thrown away because I never thought someone can do the voices of the characters from the animes so well. And I've been your fan for 2 years now and I don't regret it. I listen to the audios to be in another world from hate and thinking that I am nothing. But thanks to you I can feel loved and wanted even though the characters aren't real and your voice is the source of it all. But I can definitely relate to this. And sometime I wish that I could disappear but I have ones that love me and so do you. All of your supporters love you including me. So don't let the hate mess you up or I'll be sad. Love you always, your supporter for life.


I'm doing good and happy today, but want you to do well, sending all my best, were here for you, take comfort from us. Nishi is cute, remember your words to us and give them back to you too. Haters don't understand the good you do, don't waste any energy on them hun.

Tabitha Guss

Ah right in my feels. 🥺


This audio is one you should not apologize for. You're human. I cried along with you. It broke my heart to hear you come through with your words. I hope you know you can have someone to talk to about anything I'm there.. I'm a dm away. We love you Cece. I appreciate you and you're doing amazing. *virtual hug* I'll smile if you smile with me ok? ❤❤❤


Noya is back yay!! AND it's a comfort audio 🧡 can't wait to listen to this, esp if you were really able to immerse yourself in it because of your own experiences:)


O beautiful 🥺🥺I almost want to cry it's so beautiful Noya San it is so touching


noya!! thank you cece!


Cece, I don't watch the social media so I don't know what kind of drama these people are stirring up. They are jealous of your success! You are a talented VA who has built up a real business in less than 2 years. This is amazing and you should be proud! You have people who love your work and love what you do. I am one. People are always going to try tear down successful people, especially women! You are incredible and talented. Don't forget this.


This is absoultey adorable I listend to this after the Asahi one and my heat cant take it I love them both so much! 🥺 if your ever get the chance can you pls do an asahi and noya one 👀


!!! Who do I need to maim?? How dare they hurt baby Noya!!!!


i’ve been saving this one for when i break and today was the day i’ve cried all day this depressive episode kicked my ass i hardly slept the night prior and i slept a couple hours in the morning and now it’s nearly 11 pm and i’m still crying and my head hurts and i have felt everything that nishi has felt or talked about in this, my own brain being my biggest anti and bully. draining the life and happy out of me i hadn’t listened to audios in a while bc i hadn’t had time to slow down and collect myself now that i did the thoughts and voices are too loud i can’t sleep even though i so desperately want rest and once again miss yato and noya are here to silence them and muffle them out….. (i had to pause bc when he said ‘my darling’ i absolutely broke down and sobbed) thank you for being here when no one else notices the struggle thank you for being a support even when you don’t know who i am or what the struggle is…. i feel like i’m rambling now bc i’m so emotional but okie bye take care ❤️❤️❤️


whO TF IS BEING MEAN TO OUR YUU, look I came here for comfort but I can bE HERE FOR VIOLENCE