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So I had a lot of trouble getting the pc to not blue screen of death due to it being my first endeavor into the computer building stuff! I think now its stable and ready to rock and roll! I'm excited and inspired and gonna do my best to make the next few posts 150% !!




master ZQ

The blue screen of death we meet again!! lol sacred my top list of things I do not like on my computer it does the same thing especially when I'm working but I'm glad always keep a plus Ultra keep up the good work 😊😊😊😊💕💕💕💕💕💕 lots of love to you hun


Good job getting past the blue screen!!! Good luck on work, but no overworking!!


woooooooooooooooo! how very plus ultra of you rock that shiz baby! XD


I read "endeavor" and I was like "WHAT" but then I actually read the post and understood lol. Good look with your computer and get plenty of rest!

