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Sorry everyone! I've been putting together my computer almost all day! I got lots of ideas for posts today and I plan to test this baby out !! I'm soooooo excited to not have to worry about the crashing programs anymore you have no idea!!




hooray!! congrats on the upgrade~ 💗

master ZQ

WOOT the King has returned with upgrades lol congrats on the upgrade 😂😂😁😁😁😁💕💕💕


Congrats honey! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Nice darling!


Congrats on having a new computer!!💖💖💖


Congrats Love! Have fun playing with the new computer! Just remember have fun, drink lots of water and rest alittle!


Congratulations on your new toaster!!! ヽ(´▽`)/ Plz enjoy your new addition yato, work hard play hard!


do the stars on the wall glow in the dark? I have stars on all my bedroom ceilings that glow in the dark... so much fun! XD live long and prosper pc... we have so much work planned for you to do :P let's put some wheels on it and drive that thing! wooooooooooooooooooooooo! i'm outta control! keep the power tools away! XD


Congratulations on the new set up!! Have fun using it! I'm almost as thrilled, lol. Please take care yourself too, though!


-whistles- That's a beauty. Congratulations dear. Can't wait to see what you have planned. Just make sure to rest well and eat meals.


That's so awesome! I think the shitty computer struggle so well, I'm just about to upgrade mine as well. I'm amazed you still managed to put out such quality work consistently. We are all looking forward to more of your stuff, but please take your health seriously and don't overdo it. When I used to sing I would suck on slippery elm lozenges, and nothing else soothes your throat like it.


Upgrades people upgradess

