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Hey y'all! We're slowly getting to a point in the story where there will be some NSFW episodes (not immediatly in the next episodes but soon enough :'D) however, they will probably take me a good amount of time...
So I thought for those months where I KNOW that therere is NSFW within the story episodes there won't be any extra illustrations or short comics for those specific months. HOWEVER, I will make the episodes (roughtly) double the length that they normally are,   

Obviously on months were I know that there won't be any NSFW episodes I will do the monthly short comic + illustration again. I'm doing this so I can actually move ahead in the story a little quicker and to make the NSFW scenes more cohesive as well.  

So in short:
Short Comic + illustration OR a long offical NSFW episode

I will let you know when we get to the point of entering that point in the story ^^
Hope that was understandable :'D

Just wanted to let y'all know, thanks for your support <3


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