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A showreel is a short videotape containing examples of an actor's or director's work for showing to potential employers c: Oh and don't worry y'all I'm already working on episode 35 and I should be able to upload it within the next days c:



Jayne Lindgren

The "real job" thing hits home. It simultaneously discourages the person who's dream it is to pursue it, and devalues all of the many people who put in the actual hard work that it takes to do those things. Or the many, many others whose work supports those people. Actors are the only ones involved in film, for example. Are all the people working on the lights, the sets, the costumes, not working "real jobs" too? Or the folks who build the building the sets are in, or who clean the place and keep the lights on. Somebody's gotta do those things! And somebody's gotta act. Why can't it be her?


Ah Jayne! I always love your detailed comments c: <3 Excatly! Thanks for pointing that out! I'm actually planning to show more what's going on behind the scenes as well, so I'm glad to hear that someone actually thinks about everyone else who is involved in the process. Although I gotta be honest, I CAN understand parents who are more sceptical about their child having a more "creative" or "risky" job. They don't say that to be mean to them, they often say that out of worry that their child might not be able to be financially independent. I mean, I, for example, am already working quite some time on my comics but I couldn't afford that if I didn't had a part time job. And sadly only a small percentage of actors are actually making a good amount of money. It's definitely a tricky topic for sure.

Jayne Lindgren

I'm glad you like them! I love to think about stuff like this an analyze stories I like, but I worry about it coming across as..."too much"? x3 And I totally agree about most parents meaning well. Especially when their child wants to do something that's really out of their experience. And your point about having a side job is good! I think parents, especially, are wary of kids setting their sights on stuff without thinking about what they'd need to do in the meantime. ("Yeah, you want to be an actor, but are you willing to be Background Pedestrian #4 until you can get the good roles?") So I think Lilith is actually showing a lot of good planning by applying for an opportunity herself and giving her parents a specific timeframe. Of course, whether she *truly* knows how hard it can be is something I'm sure we'll find out... :D