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Patch Notes:

* Confirmation on clicking "Vote" for wars

* New image pipeline finished

* relaxed banner upload file sizes

* fixed resizing quality

* Performance enhancements for google

* JSON+LD enhancements + other SEO shit

* Fixed description under some menu items

* Access to old airing lists available via backend (/airing/fall/2020) for instance

* New logging mechanisms (split logs, driving into individual streams into cloudwatch, backend stuff)


* Store original images sizes so I can serve up wallpapers

* Store multiple thumbnail sizes so I can serve medium sizes to desktops

* Airing timeline on left side 

In Progress:

Please regenerate your API keys so I can get information on in-use keys.

Cloudflares analytics API uses graphql which I can query myself and dynamically do some work behind the scenes for our aggressive scrapers. Once I get it working (there is a really big oddity in the payload right now) then we can go ahead get it back up. 



hot for moth dad