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Hello friends,

As a follow up to my recent "How to Sing and Play Guitar at the Same Time" video, I'll break down my top 10 tips for becoming a better vocalist! This tutorial is preparation for more in-depth technique videos that I will be producing in the coming weeks. The main objective for you, the viewers, is to develop the mindset and practice habits of a vocalist who is accomplishing measurable progress week to week. Let's get started!

Tip #1: Don't Hold Back - The first step in becoming a better singer is leaving your negative, and self-conscious thoughts at the door. "Just go for it!"

Tip #2: Learn Your Range and Limitations - Good singers are always in control of their voices. It's important to learn what type of singer you are by measuring the distance between the lowest and highest notes that you can sing comfortably with your full voice. As a side note, the majority of singers are dissatisfied with their range... My advice is to embrace the voice that you have, and learn to use it to it's fullest potential.

Tip #3: Find Like Singers and Imitate -A great way of establishing your abilities is to find singers who have similar voices and practice imitating them. All of the best singers in history have constructed their signature sounds by borrowing from a various influences.

Tip #4: Sing Along to Your Favorite Tunes - High level vocalist use a wide variety of exercises to get their voices performance ready, but nothing is more beneficial than actually singing along with your favorite singers. Be sure to consider your breathing, and the small details that make the performance special. Remember that many iconic tunes are the product of studio magic, for this reason I recommend singing along to live performances.

Tip #5: Exercise Daily - Many aspiring singers under-estimate the amount of practice and exercise that is necessary to see real progress. I suggest treating your voice as an instrument, and sing the same warmups, scales and licks that you practice on your guitar.

Tip #6: Control Your Breathing - One of the big challenges to becoming a better singer is learning to take breaths at times that feel unnatural. Different songs require different patterns of breathing, so I recommend a conscious effort to find the best opportunities to take breaths during a given performance. In addition, you can use your breath to add mystique to a phrase by exhaling as you sing. 

Tip #7: Develop Your Sense of Pitch - The timbre of your voice is secondary to your ability to sing in pitch. To measure your accuracy, use the Martin Guitar Tuner on your smart phone as directed in the video below. Be sure to switch the setting to "all notes."

Tip #8: Write Songs - Their is no better way to develop your vocal style than writing your own original songs. Composition will provide you with the opportunity to test your limits, as you experiment with different techniques acquired via imitating your favorite singers.

Tip #9: Record Regularly - To make measurable progress as a singer, it's crucial to hear yourself back. I recommend recording your voice daily, and taking time to scrutinize the areas in which you need improvement.

Tip #10: Enjoy Patient Experimentation - Many aspiring singers believe that you either have it or you don't. In reality, great singers realize their potential through exercise and experimentation. Be patient in your development and never stop pursuing the discovery of new techniques and influences.


Top 10 Tips to Becoming a Better Singer - Beginner Vocal Lesson

Get early access to TABS, exclusive tutorials and other awesome supporter perks at http://www.patreon.com/swiftlessons Hello friends, In today's lesson, I'll break down my top 10 tips for beginner vocalist! This tutorial is pre-framing for more in-depth technique videos that I will be producing in the coming weeks.



hello Rob you didn't mention #11- auto tune i have one coming in the mail !!! :)


Haha!!! I knew I was forgetting something Blair! As an recording engineer, I've had to polish up a lot of vocal tracks using auto tuning plug ins. This is always a final solution, but it shows how far studio magic can get you... that is, until the power goes out.