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Going head to head in the Season 1 Draft was challenging enough, but we have upped the ante by adding one of YOU to take us on in a rematch!

This time around, we will only be doing the most cohesive team (taking into account both skill and personality) so let's see who wins!

Join us tomorrow, Saturday, March 16, at 11:00 am Pacific Time! See you then!


Haikyu!! Season 1 Draft Challenge

We are spicing up our Season 1 draft by introducing one of our Penthouse Suite Patreon members to take on me and Adam! Let's see whose team wins!


Ntsuab Vwj

for the just adam and sarah teams?

Ntsuab Vwj

i would have since i love and played volleyball.. :) but i didnt know where to put my name in the drawing :(