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Hello everyone! I hope you've all been well. It's adi! We are working hard putting on the finishing touches of PBH!

I'm proud to announce... hic et nunc., my second Élan artwork collection!

Featured in the artbook are the various Please Be Happy wallpaper illustrations I did, collected into a 32p perfect-bound book. Every copy comes with a small collectible card, and the first press editions also come with a random bookmark and a postcard. I've hand-signed a couple of copies too while I was in US this year, so there's a random chance of receiving a signed copy too!

I also drew some exclusive sketches and wrote a short story too, which will only ever be in this artbook.

As we sold out quite quickly last time, I wanted to make sure patrons had a first chance to pick up a copy! I printed more copies this time so I'm hoping it'll last at least a week...!


We also have some PBH launch merch, and if you would like to combine the shipping you can pick these up too. Of course, you are free to pick up any of the other merch at our store as well, but please note that shipping will happen after November 21st. Thank you!

Standees: Juliet, Miho, Aspen

Keychains: Juliet, Miho, Aspen 

Please do not share these links with anyone else! Thank you very much.

- adi



Stuart Telfer

Ordered and very excited! Will be very happy to have this alongside ridere